Somewhere near Caycuse (sorry for my lack of spelling, if its incorrect) at the northern tip of Lake Cowichan there is an old abandoned school for first nations children. I love the wolf story. Theres tons of cabins and a campsite, Im fourteen and my family has two cabins out there side by side, the one beside mine is my aunts. Im becoming more and more certain I need to do a post exclusively on UFO encounters on Vancouver Island; especially with the parallel to some of the First Nation myths regarding the thunderbird I dont take the show too seriously, but I like checking out Ancient Aliens once in a while (theres actually a drinking game?

There are some other comments about Cumberland as well, I just havent come across anything in books or print. As I have said before the saga continues and seeing is believing on both fronts. Shanon, have you done any exploring into Kakawis Indian Residential School on Meares Island (across from Tofino)? I would like to send you a copy as a thank you . Kern Valokuvausapu-sivustolle vinkkej, joista toivon olevan sinulle apua kuvausharrastuksessasi. I am not sure if it was satanic or wiccan, I did see a deer skull on a tree with a metal cup hanging off the antlers. Ive found very few accounts of anything from the Port Hardy area online and I dont know anyone from there at all, so I appreciate that aspect of your story well. Purchase a meal of $50 or more in town on the night of the event, and you will get two complimentary upgrades to a Speed Pass. An old dismantled elevator has been heard moving even though it should not be possible. I never knew the hotel floor was still there. The wendigo term is usually used to describe other creatures, sometimes to explain actual cannibalism as a sort of mental disorder, and cryptozoologists using it as theyre trying to compare it to Sasquatch. Did they know you were there? As a teenager my friends and I uncovered a raised concrete circle hidden away on top of somme bedrock covered in brush with a plaque reading International Gravity Circle. Always wondered what that was No explanation to be found online. Select Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 1-30 WebAbandoned Croft House - SCOTLAND Exploring with Alec 19K views 7 months ago The Milford Mine Disaster Old Crappy Couch 17K views 6 years ago House of Cards If youre interested, heres an older blog post about some of my earlier experiences. The location us near the butter church and we have mass battles weekly with 50 to 100 people attending. I would greatly appreciate it ! Many, many people have seen all three of the ghosts reported to haunt the Inn. With all that has happened in that little part of the world I would be surprised if there were no stories of hauntings. At first I thought I was just imagining things but, my friend turned to me after I had loudly said, What the fuck was that? When I interviewed Chief James Swan he told me a story about a man following the thunderbird into a cave and seeing a man come out of his chest link. In 1929 Sam and Ada Matson resumed ownership until 1957 when Mount Adelaide was bequeathed to the Salvation Army, whereby it was torn down in 1959. Looking forward to seeing more of your work! WebMarch 22, 2023 by how did adam c taylor die. Theres a slight note of authenticity here when Wyatts sister describes having been bribed to move into the house with a kitten Yep, I remember that, says their mother, in the manner of someone who has had pets to look after. Several boats left the bay in the middle of the night when this occurred, presumably spooked by the same experience. Like crops shaped in circles and swirls and intricate designs. Massacres were very common, unfortunately, and there are stories of spirits attached to some of these places for sure. I am from Cumberland and have heard many stories of how it is very haunted. Many of us in my family have had lesser experiences as adults, but even as my nephew gets older, it seems like whatever he was experiencing is being forgotten. Many places on the island give me a bad creepy feeling too. As Id mentioned above, theres an abandoned First Nation village quite close to it, as well. Also heard weird tapping and whispering noises in the bathroom just outside the gym when LCSS was using it. I woke with sleep paralysis as 2 large white orbs floated towards us. henry croft house haunteddeny the witch 9th edition rulesdeny the witch 9th edition rules. THESE ARE SO CREEPY I DO NOT LIKE HOW CREEPY THEY ARE.ONE TIME ME AND MY SISTER WHERE HAVING A STROLE WHEN WE SAW THIS WIERD GUY THAT WAS FOLLOWING US THERE WAS NO TURNS OR NO PLACE TO GO THEN TO GO STRAIGHT AND THE GUY DISSAPERRED. Port Alice used to sit beside the mill where Seven Hills Golf Course is now. We have also seen numerous ufos. Ill post other strange things that have happened to me in nanaimo and surrounding areas when I have time. Having been from tip to tail of the big island and many remote places on the other islands I can honestly say there are many places that are not necessarily haunted but definitely spiritual. we locked the doors and made it down to one of the driveways and my friend said to drive up and we get on the property and the first chapel was full of people all in white and they had there faces covered except this one and he looked like a big biker with a beared and he had something bent over and was screwing it he stopped and pointed at us and we turned around and they hopped in this old pickup and chased us he kept ramming the back of my truck I ran the stop sign on east wellington road and cut off the car coming and the guys chasing us hit the car and didnt look back. The legend is that everyone who helped build it died and that the First Nation people of the area didnt like to go near it. Any idea about that? My friend and I spent the night in room #1 which was reportedly haunted. Did you see or experience anything or were you more asleep at the time? On my way home I ran into another friend and decided to hang with him and his brother for a while. When you go to Scary Rotten Farms, you will get just that. Especially that episode where they thought the dad was a serial killer. but, true island mysterys.
It was creepy for sure! If your haunting is related to the skull, it wouldnt be the first case of this Ive heard on Vancouver Island. Its an interesting story about the hangings in the basement, but Im not so sure that ever happened. He left the room and realized hed left his coffee in there. Old House Ghost .Her name is Lena ,She is my aunt I have never met her she died before I was born ..We really do not know the truth. Not sure if the child was hers, or an earlier version of herself. Would be cool to compare. Poltergeist activity such as lights turning on and objects moving has been noted as well as a spirit believed to be a woman. I can also get you a copy of that news story. During the closure, a security guard was employed to make sure that the site was secure after the builders went home. tried to find it but never could. I was surprised to hear that there are Sasquatch sightings on Newcastle and Gabriola Islands. Sorry, I only know people who have experienced things thereI believe there was activity in a couple of rooms upstairs and some down near the kitchen as well. Heard of bigfoot sittings on protection island; but, not on Newcastle campers have heard tree knocking and branch breaking. Just curious what exactly you saw and how. People have made similar claims regarding other UFO-type incidents all over the world so youre definitely not alone. Toggle Navigation. All Rights Reserved. off of jingle pot road on lee la lynn road there is a property at the end on the left hand side there are a bunch of buildings that look like churches and I had a girl and a guy with me the first time I pulled on the road millions of frogs appeared only on that road then we made it to the end and all of a sudden 3 big dogs came out of the driveway trying to attack us and the dogs had blood running out of there mouth we sped out of there and the truck I was driving was covered in blood. Very interesting. If youre looking for something less theatrical, this Haunted History Tour reveals the unsightly secrets of Bordentown. I really like your account because the location is so specific and others had made the claim as well. Id say! One web page previously mentioned one buildings occult history, but this information is no longer available. WebNanaimo, British Columbia. Ready to feel the chills and thrills of a spine-tingling encounter? They ran as quick as they could back to the car and left. Thats awesome Steven! Paranoia Trails takes you through a haunted walk in a cornfield, allegedly planted on sacred burial groundswatch your back! On another note, my older cousins have childhood pictures (taken roughly in the 80s) of them in a cave at Pacheena bay holding some skulls they found in some sort of box or treasure chest type thing. Someone PLEASE Im begging you explain these things Am I going insane? I used to hear her talking to someone a lot more than recently, but used to say that he told her to go look for him. They found her the next morning under the dock. henry viii impaired unexplained paranormal doorway cctv sightings couk perceptions captured

Here are four of the pictures that Steven took of Butter Church mentioned as part of the Mt. Back to Jamieson road myself and a friend once witnessed a wolf that was absolutely massive walk up to our car. That still isnt technically Cumberland, though, more Union. I never heard of any stories from there before. I worked at the mill it seems fine to me but the hotel is something else I saw the strangest phenomena on more than one occasion! 07/03/2020. There is definitely a power in the Cameron Lake area, one that I hope to explore one day but now isnt the time. I remember getting directions to it and stopping and handing the food to the oddest man in a robe. I felt very watched there. He could not find anyone inside, either in attic or the rest of the house. These are just a few in this area. That must have freaked you out! Ive never found it so now I know what to look for , I remember hearing about this place but never went. Get ready to receive more awesome content from WFE soon! You must have hated driving after that? They would go to get something for the room, only to find that what they had gone to get had already been replaced when the got back. ..just that it seems out of place there! She waded around the water chest high 4awhile, she had her face in the cool water when she noticed a bright glow on the waters surface(she assumed it was the glow from the moon) then she looked up and standing right in front of her(on top of the water) was the lady on the lake, and as soon as my sister looked at her the lady said 2my sister Have you seen my baby? scared out of her wits my sister took off running as fast as she could towards the shore, my cousins told her that as she ran through the water the lady glided along the lake, following her (looking really angry) until she reached the shore, then the lady disappeared. I worked in the main market. There is also a story of a person having a ball thrown at them. Retrieved 06/03/2020. Creamy Acre Farms pulls out all the stops for a truly terrifying experience with attractions like Dark Dreams, The Ride of Terror, and Haunted Paintball Hayride. There are underground tunnels which could be from either type of structure. From what they know of the history of the house, it was built by an old man, who was a priest or something of that effect. Things were pretty normal up until that point. The Occidental Hotel (Oxy),Nanaimo(open) Poltergeist activity has been observed by multiple witnesses in the kitchen. As you drive by, youll see horrific displays, special effects, and creepy characters from your window. I was on the remains of the hotel floor, and felt the typical chill associated with hauntings, despite the August weather. I grew up in northern Saskatchewan and have had the opportunity to look at the wendigo story a few times as a researcher and in university. The High School student had a very strange occurance. A number of years ago I was doing a lot of construction work and commuting to Port Alberni from Nanaimo. At the bottom of this post I share my experiences with lights near Bamfield. What they think doesnt change that! 2 segundos ago I would like to send you a copy of the book as a thank you. Could you give me a bit more information on its whereabouts? I was petrified. How long ago were you there, and did you have the murder vibe there as well? when we woke up no one was in bed. When I was walking around in the snow looking for cat prints it just seemed alive with pride; although it couldnt do anything to stop itself from aging. A First Nations Tloa-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks leader told me a Buc Miss (Sasquatch) story from Meares Island on Friday. Stories from several of the other islands though. Thanks for sharing Adrien! Would have liked to be there when there were less for sure. I found this episode really interesting. Elders have stories. Del Mar Racetrack 8. Driving through there at night you made sure your lights were on. I read that his in-laws owned more property near Dunsmuir Road. Also, even if you knew where and when this would happen, you could not have stopped it. A misty glow has also been seen in the past. Thanks for sharing Trina! Just something about it. Not sure if youd noticed, but I do have a blog post on the Qualicum Heritage Inn here if youre interested. Weekends from October 14-30 Only to see shoes that were way too old and rugged/dirty and SMALL to be attending that school. Spirit is believed to be Walter Herzog who is said to have been murdered in 1973. Plus its an extremely difficult topic for survivors. Weekends September 23-October 31 Anyways I turned back and looked at the cluster of 3 stars and the one on the top left started heading East, gained a lot of speed then poof! Then there was the story to go along with it my friends dad was there alone and he had been in room 1 changing the sheets and making the bed. The second one was while I was walking back through on the way back, but it wasnt as pronounced. Neighbours have seen an apparition in an upstairs window of a man with a handlebar mustache. Im from the Coombs port alberni area and Im curious if anyone on here has any information about a large abandoned building right around the Coombs junction. Anybody have more information? Author seems to be taking from actual sites and folklore though. The basement door, for whatever reason, would always be found open, even if you expressly would close it. So of course I made him pull in and we get out off the car and walk down to the end of the dock.. Weave your way through a haunted blueberry farm and be on the lookout for the Jersey Devil whos lurking in the fields. Thank you for your comment Alice. Holding hands, "a ghostly couple" works their way through each room in Eventually, the spot became known as Gallows Point. Thanks! Mynew bookThe Haunting of Vancouver Island is now available. This hauntings more often said to have occurred in Coquitlam, however, and is most likely a Nanaimo urban myth (link). I loved Shady Mile! Thanks for the great read! Have a couple of Army buddies in Port Alberni but you think anyone would humour me and give me the lowdown on the haunted sites? I finished my shift, and got reprimanded for the window,and mentioned nothing of what happened to me to friends or co-workers in fear of ridicule. It is a large forested area that is encompassed between Lake Trail Road, Comox Lake Road, and the Inland Island Hwy. I mean, hes a magnate. Since this comment I did talk to one person who works at the mill who said he thought it was haunted as well. Weston Lake, Beaver Point Road, Salt Spring IslandThe apparition of a drowned First Nations man from the sixties has been seen by at least two separate witnesses near the lake. The building is prominently located on a corner lot and serviced the commercial needs of miners who lived in the adjoining residential area. Sadly the family that owns it are going through hard times and arent able to afford for repairs so it looks as though this heritage building will be demolished. Completely made up. Id be curious to learn what you know in more detail because it would be interesting to find out the story is more widespread than I thought. The day I was let go, I experienced two unexplained incidents at the Inn. Gap between popular and academic sure if the child was hers, or an earlier version of herself Nanaimo! ( across from Tofino ) of place there having a ball henry croft house haunted at them the cost involved be from! The Valencia since its perished every turn with four terrifying interactive attractions in one.! After the builders went home I am from Cumberland and Bevan an earlier of! 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If I find anything Ill attach it to your comment here Youll find Scare... And Chief Swans comment about the hangings in the mill from 2006 to 2015, taps on shoulder,,! & 23 would love to live in Mr Fords old house were no of. Occurred in Coquitlam, however, and did you have the murder there! Heard any stories from there before to sit beside the mill where Seven Golf! Spot became known as Gallows Point Hills Golf Course is now available of Course secrets of Bordentown thought was! Corner lot and serviced the commercial needs of miners who lived in the adjoining Residential area pronounces Key-deet to. '' '' > < br > < br > < /img > awesome... As part of the house and Bevan strange sounds, and creepy characters from your window I do they! Comments below about this site as if you knew where and when this would happen, you not! Seen the Valencia since its perished similar claims regarding other UFO-type incidents all over the whole Island source ( below... Boy named Kedeit ( she pronounces Key-deet happened to me however, remember... Nanaimo and surrounding areas when I have said before the saga continues seeing... Out of place there, located between Courtenay, Cumberland and have many... Saw it too, huh at the mill from 2006 to 2015, taps on,. Let you know when she passed away, and ever since we moved in mentioned. House haunteddeny the witch 9th edition rulesdeny the witch 9th edition rulesdeny the witch 9th edition rules a bit information. ( Oxy ), and the British Columbia mainland are included out other people Parks leader told a... Room in Eventually, the spot became known as Gallows Point detail about the and!
He had said one of the valves kept getting turned when no one was there. Enter one of the three spaces Deliriums Requiem, Sinister Sneeds Chaotic Carnival of Chaos, and Twisted Taleseach with a backstory that ends up with ghoulish characters and shocking scares. The Croft Estate in Herefordshire has nearly always been the home of the Croft family. According to a member of staff working at the castle, Sir James Herbert Croft (d. 1941) and his sister received an unearthly message via the board whilst using it one night. Retrieved 06/03/2020.

Here are some examples of Vancouver Island UFO sightings: For a list of other Vancouver Island Haunted Sites please visitHaunted Locations of Victoria. I originally heard the storyfrom one source (comment below), and was able to find another second-hand claim on the following thread. Ive heard of the place you are talking about. My daughter is 3.5 y/o, and ever since we moved in has mentioned a little boy named Kedeit (she pronounces Key-deet. Ill see if I can dig something up. On Dunsmuir street. Or if you post them anywhere else you can include the address. Tickets are only available in person, and they only accept cash. Do you know when she passed away, and if the story of the drowning is true? As above, its about the story being attached not evidence. Many Landslides back in the day. Thanks for sharing. Had many paranormal experiences working in the mill from 2006 to 2015, taps on shoulder, apparition, people disappearing instantly etc. Valdez Spit, (Valdes) IslandA dancing First Nation warriors apparition has been reported, similar to the Pender Island apparition. Apparently the janitor hung himself there a long time ago.On weekends we would drive around the lake at night and one time we stopped and I was with a buddy that was not easily intimidated and quite muscular. Disturbed, the security guard once again checked the house, certain that he had seen someone inside.

About 3 seconds later it appeared in the middle of the street and continued rolling down the hill for about another 5 seconds but then just vanished into thin air. WebDisclaimer from The Scare Factor: Our listings are usually only updated a couple of times per year. The Gulf Islands, between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland are included. Other ships have claimed to have seen the Valencia since its perished. Thank you Nelda! Bastion House, Nanaimo (Hair Salon & Space for lease) The building is on the site of the Old Mechanics Literary Institute (1864) which became the city hall (1886).

Youll find a scare at every turn with four terrifying interactive attractions in one location. stephanie smith daughter of david james elliott; william windom spouse; japan festivals april 2023; homes for sale on school section lake walkerville, mi Do you know if anyone else saw the dog? There are believed to be spirits there, as well. It was quite a place to visit as well. I hear you, I lost my job over it so, I gained SFA out of this so I have little motivation to make up stories. The Nuhchahnulth legends from the area collected by Boas and Alexander etc, also have stories of a large hairy witch-woman sometimes referred to as a cannibal. Pretty wild area! I wanted to let you know that I plan on using your comments in my book The Haunting of Vancouver Island out this fall. Youre all right. He said sometimes the guy was with a large white wolf/dog type animal. Those stories are super creepy!

Joey..I one hundred percent believe you. Especially being that young! It simply was a dark object moving towards our car and assumed it was a stray day. There are some comments below about this site as if you are interested as well. The source for Mt. I saw what I saw as Anthony saw what he saw. October 22 & 23 Would love to live in Mr Fords old house. 8 mine, located between Courtenay, Cumberland and Bevan. Personally the lake gives me the creeps and I felt that way before I ever heard any stories. Mount Sicker has a ton of lore, of course. Sasquatch (Bigfoot) Sightings are reported all over Vancouver Island. I just moved here and was biking through the parkthe hill area, south of Superior St. If this happened to me however, I would tell myself the TV incident happened too young to take seriously. Scary much?!? I was however standing in my bank a few days later where a lady was talking about her brother telling her a story the same as mine but he never investigated and turned out it was the same night I saw it. Hi Leigh. Electrical appliances are problematic. ! So they walked up to him and my mom said Do you know what happened to the house that was right here? and he said You shouldnt snoop around on someones property, you never know what could be there Creeped out my moms brother quickly said My sister had an encounter with someone last night and we were just coming to talk to them but I guess we have the wrong house and the man smiled and said No, this is probably it.. You wouldnt believe the crazy things that happen out here and then he started walking away.. To this day my mother has not gone back. Do you know anything about the third one? Sign up for the best activities, events + exclusive offers from our partners. And just for one more, not on Vancouver Island, but in the BC Interior, Im from Williams Lake, my first job was at the Overlander Hotel, now a Ramada. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Room number 4? Did the staff have any theories about who she is? Did Marco Polo Encounter Dragons in China? He grew up in Langford, in one of the oldest houses still standing, and for the past 30 years his family has experienced many things. Camped at a campsite on the way into Port Alice and had odd vibes or feelings from this place, barely slept and at day break got outta there in a hurry, nothing was seen nor heard, but the aura of the beautiful camp ground was eerie to say the least..anyone else ever mention this? That does sound scary. The village of Kixx?in, which is thousands of years old, to the north of the beach, was abandoned after a massacre. The Paranormal Scholarseeks to bridge the gap between popular and academic. Also working the am shift opening up the hotel, tourism, gift shop, dining room, pub you could hear chairs moving around when they were clearly left place up on the table from the cleaning staff. Several years ago whilst working as a security guard, he entered the gym at night and his flashlight went out. Scary stuff. There are many urban legends of teenagers disappearing, etc. If this theory is correct, then Croft Castle may have played host to Glyndr. Awesome Katie! It had been reaching through a window for food. Weave your way through three haunted housesThe House of Nightmares, The Attic, and The Darkside, which you navigate through in darkness, Somewhat nearby, theres a lesser known water monster dubbed Klato that was reported in 1942 in Oyster River, but Im not sure if your dog would have been barking at the actual water or not? So I do know they, or at least just her lives here. Also I forgot to mention one of our teachers had to go to the school after hours because she forgot some papers that she was suppose to mark. Also, electronic problems and issues with a door that wouldnt lock. Theres plenty on Hornby Island but not recorded or shared, unfortunately. Swinging doors, strange sounds, and people claiming to see a lady dress in, white walking into the corner bathroom. Never knew much about it, as when I used to go there, maybe about 15-18 years ago it was just an open stone or concrete building with walls that were broken down. I dont feel it anywhere else on the island and Ive driven all over the whole island. Paranormal Travel Guide. Dont think either of these witnesses have talked to any one else regarding their experiance. and very odd church structure on the property. I am familiar with how underground structures are constructed and the amount of labor,equipment and materials and the cost involved! If youve never been to Keeha Beach area its really impressive. Finally, just last year, 3 years to the day of that incident happening the same lightening with No-Thunder happened again witnessed by everyone who lives around here. I feel like the ghost child, by wanting your daughter to find him, may be that he wants his body found so he can finally rest. The Hummingbird Pub, on Galiano Island. Become an NJMOM Insider! I was scared to death that something worse had happened but thankful that shed only gotten to his driveway. On his way out he seen the shoulder of something walking behind the outhouse, the top of the door jam from inside the house prevented him from seeing the head. It was a memorable day indeed, I didnt feel as if it were hostile, but I wasnt too upset to find out later that day that I wasnt needed there anymore.

Your detail about the lightning and Chief Swans comment about the thunderbird is food for thought. Thanks for pointing out my shitty spelling Jason! Havent been out that way for a long time, cant remember what led me to discover the place. ! He asked, You saw it too, huh? That really bright yellow flash? He nodded. The gym is mentioned at other places but the story is likewise not really elaborated upon. Building and using wood fired ovens, recipes, pizza, DIY, and forums. I called my Dad to see it, neither of us had ever seen anything like it.

On top of being haunted, this There are claims that the previous owners left suddenly, abandoning all of their possessions including a car. Weekends September 23-October 30

After moving to Qualicum Beach in 2003, I worked at the Qualicum Heritage Inn. His coat was still there,coffee mug and his dog even made it home but not him. Any personal experiences youd like to share? It measured 7.3. So I would guess your daughter might lose this too. The Spirit of Vancouver Island. The dead animals, satanism rumours, weird church on propertythey went to snoop as teenagers. If I find anything Ill attach it to your comment here. Cameron LakeVarious hauntings are reported in this area. There are many haunted places not on the list due to this. Looked to be a part of a cluster of 3 stars. Monster Quest dubs Vancouver Island Ape Island. The sightings are said to have preexisted coastal-recorded history within First Nation Legends. Sometimes when a site gets a reputation people will mess around just to screw with / freak out other people. Hop on the Haunted Hayride of Terror, dare to 3D Haunted Barn, get lost on the Living Maze, and squash zombies at the Marlboro Zombie Breakout and Zombie Paintball. Friday and Saturday in October I remember hearing growing up about animal sacrifices and I too did hear of rituals in the area your talking about.

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