For these extreme situations, it may take a few days for the plants to bounce back and look healthy again, but they have been able to survive. WebLeave 2 or 3 sets of leaves with the upper leaves in the air. At Homestead Gardens we have even had our Bubblegum petunias out in freezing temperatures (where the plants were frozen solid) and these plants held up! If your petunias are growing in full sun but have stopped blooming well, they are probably hungry. WebFor the deep south most Petunias struggle in August heat and humidity, as well as the afternoon rains, so expect petunia season to end usually in late-July or mid-August. Its also helpful to work some compost into the soil. After finding some Bubblegum petunias from your local greenhouse, youll want to plant them as early as possible (assuming its not too early in the spring). A Supertunia is more susceptible to common diseases, such as downy mildew or root rot when it isnt cared for properly. If your goal is to have the longest trailing flowers possible in your window boxes, choose Supertunia Trailing petunias. If you're growing Supertunias as an annual, begin fertilizing as soon as the plants are a couple inches high. TIPS FOR GROWING STUNNING SUPERTUNIAS Water. More than 6 hours is even better. Before planting I incorporate a good dose of compost and then use a controlled release fertilizer. This avoids potential overfertilization in case the garden store or nursery fertilized the basket. A consistent day and night temp in the mid-70's would be best to get them to root, so if it's 50-60 at night, I would probably bring them in. If youre watering your Supertunia in a hanging basket, you can check if it needs water by lifting the basket from beneath. Bubblegum petunias will perform best in well-drained soil although they are more resistant to diseases such as root rot, any plant will be more susceptible to disease if attempting to grow in water-logged soil. Most organic fertilizer needs to be reapplied every 3-4 weeks to keep fertilizer levels where plants need them all season. If you have at least 6 hours of direct sun per day, you can grow Supertunias. Bubblegum petunias will need some nutrients, at least to get a good start. At Homestead Gardens, we typically only plant 1-3 of only Supertunia Vista petunias in a container (normally hanging baskets). You know how a fresh haircut gives us a little pep in our step? Think of the average garden plot in your yard as a bank, there is almost always some water and some nutrients available for loan, so it provides a bit of a fudge factor when watering and fertilizing. SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA Indigo Petunia, SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA Violet Star Petunia, SUPERTUNIA MINI VISTA White Petunia with SUNPATIENS Compact White Impatiens and GRACEFUL GRASSES Sky Rocket Pennisetum. For most hanging basket sizes one Supertunia Vista petunia plant will fill up the basket and create a stunning display with draping foliage and abundant flowers. It is just a simple way to show what the percentage of each are in the fertilizer. Fill a plastic container with a mixture of If your petunia plants have stopped flowering, it's likely they aren't happy. Use propagation tents and avoid overmisting, which slowsrooting and increases the likelihood of Botrytis and bacterial diseases. Instead you should wait for the flowers to begin developing seeds that you can harvest eventually. Actually any number of fertilizers will work just fine, but there are some differences. In general, make sure that it has plenty of room to grow and has adequate sunlight exposure where the pot is placed.
WebEasily Propagate Petunia Cuttings! If the soil is hard and packed down, consider using a tiller to break it up, or just push a shovel in the soil a few times to break up the clumps. Shape the basket with the last pruning of the season. If you buy a pre-planted hanging basket full of mature, blooming Supertunias, start fertilizing it a week after you've purchased it. Feed petunias at the time of planting with a balanced fertilizer. Additionally, because hanging baskets are exposed on all sides to wind and sun, the soil dries out faster.
These are what we would call companion plants. This means that if they are planted together they will generally complement each other with their colors and growing styles. If the Supertunia is rootbound, meaning that the roots are tightly wound together forming the shape of whatever container it was in, then youll want to gently rip the roots apart once before transplanting the Supertunia into its next container. Since the Bubblegum petunia is a patented plant by Proven Winners, propagating Supertunia Vista Bubblegum for resale is illegal. Make sure that you are choosing plants to combine with Bubblegum petunias with discretion typically only another vigorous grower will be able to hold its own when in the same container as a Bubblegum petunia (or any Supertunia Vista for that matter). Propagating new supertunias is not really worth it. These can then the next year be planted and you will once again be able to enjoy its beauty. It depends on how you apply them, heres a quick reference: Most petunias benefit from deadheading -- the process of removing spent flowers to encourage more blooms. You cant beat Supertunia Trailing as an all-season flowering spiller for hanging baskets and tall, upright containers. Heres some information on planting Bubblegum petunias to help guide you. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle newsletter, Browse all Supertunia petunia container recipes, Save pins from our Supertunia petunia Pinterest board, Succeeding with Supertunias - How to Keep Petunias Blooming. Manage Settings These can then the next year be planted and you will once again be able to enjoy its beauty. Aim to plant the seeds with enough time for them to germinate, sprout and mature before you plant them outside. You can cover it with some clear plastic to keep the humidity high as well.. Make a hole in the soil mix with a pencil and place the powdered stem in the hole. For some varieties of Supertunia, propagating and then selling your cuttings as plants once they are established is illegal. Eventually, youll be able to plant the Supertunia cutting into soil. Spritz the soap spray on the Supetunias, evenly coating the entire plant. If the seedling is very small, you can turn the pack upside down as you do this for each sprout so that the plant and its early root structure fall out into your hand.. So feeding the plant every third watering helps to provide Supertunia what it needs throughout the season, no matter the weather conditions. If you have at least 6 hours of direct sun per day, you can grow Supertunias. Choose your favorites to compliment your outdoor decor or express garden style. If spraying Supertunias with water doesn't sufficiently control the problem, mix your own insecticide. Web 1. Joshua Duvauchelle is a certified personal trainer and health journalist, relationships expert and gardening specialist. In Pennsylvanias growing zones, our Bubblegum petunias can be planted outside as early as April 1. In his spare time, he enjoys yoga and urban patio gardening. Its also helpful to work some compost into the soil. You can purchase plastic pots or packs to plant them, or use something you have lying around your home, such as an egg carton. SUPERTUNIA TRAILING Blue Veined Petunia. To extend your season, move planters under protection from rains, but make sure to keep them in the sun for best flowering. Early on, even when planting in the landscape, the plant needs some extra watering to get started. Feed them often. Follow the rule of thumb of not cutting off more than 20% of the plant and you can't go wrong. For most plants, applying liquid fertilizer (small concentration) every third watering is enough to provide the plant with the nutrients it It doesnt have to be a deep container even a shallow tray will be fine for Supertunia seeds.. Water a Supertunia hanging basket **every day. Their flowers are similar in size to the Vistas and are the size you would expect a regular petunia flower to be. All Rights Reserved. If youre going to be planting it directly outside from the pack you purchased it in, you have the option of planting the Supertunia in the landscape, in a hanging basket, or in a pot. If the Bubblegum petunias are growing in a planter, container, or hanging basket, you may want to fertilize them more often. Supertunias love water, so keep them evenly moist so they wont dry out or wilt. Garden centers and greenhouses arent able to grow this plant from seed, so Proven Winners plants are often started from plugs, nurtured, hardened off, and then sold as small plants ready to grow at your home! The amount of water a plant needs is always changing, here are tips for watering your petunias: If sun = energy, and water must be consistent, then fertilizer = food. This process is extremely easy and will help you fill up your garden with beautiful flowers this year. The more energy the plant has the better the flowering. Propagating new supertunias is not really worth it. After you have transplanted your Supertunia, water it in and make sure it gets some sunlight for continual growth. and mounding to heights of up to 2 feet! Water is the lifeblood of plants. - on Amazon through our affiliate links will help provide us with a commission that will help keep this channel! Again, consult with your local garden center for a specific solution to your pests. Most areas have plenty of temperature swings, so an easy way to determine if your growing area will work for Supertunia is to check your USDA growing zone. If you notice aphids and other pests on the hanging basket, spray the Supertunia with a strong stream of water from a garden hose. Expedition Homestead 62.3K subscribers Join Subscribe 1.2K 75K views 2 years ago Propagating petunia cuttings is a great way to save money!! Proven Winners say these are the best petunia. 2023 Proven Winners North America LLC. The short answer is yes! WebFollow me on Instagram- How To Grow Petunia from cutting , petunia propagation , petunia care#petunia #johnsonengleng Make sure there isnt a patent on the Supertunia variety before you would do this. Then, starting in July and continuing until the plants decline in the fall, fertilize every two to three weeks with a liquid fertilizer made for flowering plants. To plant the Supertunia seeds, purchase some potting soil and fill a container or tray with the potting soil. Proven Winners has great some great plant food that you can find on this page: This type of fertilizer breaks down over a period of week so needs to be reapplied every 3-4 weeks (but dont forget a lot of rain or watering will wash it down past the roots as well) so heavy rains usually require you to fertilize again. One of the reasons that Bubblegum petunias are so popular is that they are extremely easy care. Sun is what generates energy in plants, so the more sun they get, the stronger the plants will grow and the more flowers they will produce. Here are some basics to help you succeed with petunias in your garden! Petunias are like hungry teenagers. BUTthats only part of the story, you also need all the other nutrients (calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, chlorine, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc and nickel) and that is where reading the back of the label comes in handy. WebFollow me on Instagram- How To Grow Petunia from cutting , petunia propagation , petunia care#petunia #johnsonengleng Hopefully this will now carry you through until frost. Maybe it's because their broad color palette makes it easy to find one that matches your look. They make for great borders and can help add beauty to your yard. First, what exactly are bubblegum petunias?
By midsummer, say after your July Fourth party, it's time to give your Supertunias a little trim to rejuvenate the plants heading into the heat of summer.
The soil doesnt need to be more than damp, but it does need to be moist consistently for the Supertunia seed to germinate. I hope this video helps for those of you growing Supertunias. WebThese petunia cuttings are easy to propagate and saved us a ton of money. Make a hole in the soil mix with a pencil and place the powdered stem in the hole. As a result, plants planted in the ground can do with a bit less fertilizer and water than plants in containers.
A single plant will easily fill three square feet, making them an affordable choice as a flowering ground cover. In spring when there is rain and cool nights they just need enough water to keep them moist. If you have at least 6 hours of direct sun per day, you can grow Supertunias. Then, use a trowel or your hand to remove soil from where youd like to plant it. Make sure to keep on watering the soil lightly whenever it dries out. Fertilizer is essential for Supertunias to do well; they need nutrients like we need food everyday. The same goes for petunias. As a general rule of thumb, typically if you wait until after Mothers Day youll be fine to plant Supertunia outside. How to Grow Croton Petra Plants At Home | Essential Care Tips #shorts.
It normally takes a good half of gallon of water to really water a 10" wide basket or raised container. Somepropagators recommend using rooting hormones with 2,500 IBA, especially onslow-to-root cultivars such as Cascadia Charme. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. I've been growing them for years(long before we started Garden Answer or working with Proven Winners) and they're truly one of my favorite annuals!Here's a link to the list of Supertunia varieties. Fill a plastic container with a mixture of Supertunia petunias are the most popular annual flowers we sell and have been for decades. If you arent close to our greenhouse in Ephrata, PA, you can find other retailers that carry Proven Winners (and likely Bubblegum petunias) by using the brands retail locator. Fertilizer. WebI hope this video helps for those of you growing Supertunias. I know it sounds like a lot, but if you want a plant to grow like an elephant and be the most it can be, you got to feed it like an elephant! WebI always get asked if petunias can be propagated in late summer even though they have blooms on them and can they be overwintered. Once you have your Supertunia, youll need some soil and a spot to plant it. However, in some cases, you will need to take extra measures to kill off plant pests. In very cold areas, their growing season may only be 12 weeks, but in warmer areas, they can last two or three times as long. Otherwise, the water can collect at the bottom of the container and cause root rot, or other diseases. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. Don't remove too much at the maximum cut back 20% of the branches or 1 in five shoots. *********Discord Chat Server! With sun and Supertunia more is almost always better! We recommend feeding them with our, In addition to the water soluble plant food, we recommend incorporating our. Petunias thrive with consistent moisture. Briefly put, hardening off your plants is the process of exposing them to harsh conditions (as far as temperature, watering, etc.)
WebLeave 2 or 3 sets of leaves with the upper leaves in the air. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle newsletter.
To get the most out of your Bubblegum petunia, here are some things to consider when caring for your plant. A Supertunia that is planted in a container, whether its a pot or a hanging basket, will need to be watered more than Supertunia grown in the landscape, since they wont be able to pull natural water from the ground.
This avoids potential overfertilization in case the garden store or nursery fertilized the basket. By now the Supertunia is really growing and starting to tumble down from the basket or fill out across the flowerbed. It is a bit like taking vitamins, a good multi vitamin provides all needed vitamins & minerals, the same is true for a good fertilizer. 2. Water a Supertunia hanging basket every day. Supertunia petunias respond very well to a drip watering system like. Feed petunias at the time of planting with a balanced fertilizer. If you planted the Supertunia in a container, make sure that it has holes in the bottom for excess water to escape. Because bacteria are needed; in the spring organic fertilizer may take a few weeks to breakdown, so make sure your plants get enough food early in the year! Above: Supertunia performance in hanging baskets, containers and in the landscape. How can you tell? Avoid stalling out your plants' growth by providing consistent moisture. For example, ladybugs will eat aphids and can help control them. Before planting I incorporate a good dose of compost and then use a controlled release fertilizer. Think of how hard it would be to go to work without any food for a day or so. When a plant wilts, that flow of water stops and the plants quit growing and blooming until it resumes. Some pests that you might want to keep an eye out for include: As far as diseases, some common diseases that petunias are more prone to are: There are natural sprays that can be purchased at your local garden center to combat disease or pests. If you notice aphids and other pests on the hanging basket, spray the Supertunia with a. Before we go any further, one note is that many growers refer to these plants as Bubblegum petunias. Here are a few ideas to get you started. Flowering Control Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. If the weather turns really hot as it sometimes does in Late June you may need to fertilize every third watering. They typically grow 6-12 tall and spread 18-24 wide. WebThese petunia cuttings are easy to propagate and saved us a ton of money. For landscape planting, Bubblegum petunias do not need a lot of water certainly, water if it looks like they are drying up (wilting or the soil around the plant is not moist), but overall they are sun-loving plants so they can take the heat a little better than other plants. 2023 Proven Winners North America LLC. That means the basket should get at least six hours of direct sunlight every day. Instead you should wait for the flowers to begin developing seeds that you can harvest eventually. TIPS FOR GROWING STUNNING SUPERTUNIAS Water. Fertilizer.