I was raised with a dispensational background.. and this book changed my life and opened my eyes to truth about Gods plan for victory. It is you who fail to take all of Scripture into account.
He cant have two heads any more that we can.
Web119 Ministries. I believe the torah which Abraham obeyed was Gods unchanging moral instruction based on Gods unchanging character and specifically related to Gods Abrahamic covenant. Blessings.
And not all of it applies to everyone anyways. Thank you !
You want to except this new way of living in Gods ways disregarding what is written.
Tithes were for the Levitie priests who were at the temple.
Dont believe me?
I think some things are correct where I think others not so much. Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness?
The flavor of 119 is elitist and attempts to, at the very least, demean those who oppose them and quite possible damning the same. The OT Scriptures in all their glory!
I have seen Nehemiah Gordon make that argument, and to the best of my recall, I do not remember seeing you acknowledge Gordon.
In fact, this is one of the primary reasons why many of my people categorically reject Yeshua as our Messiah. Also I might add, any Christian admittedly says that you must obey the 10 commandments and further says they are written on your hearts when you are saved.
(Pilel) to fall, The MAIN thrust of nearly EVERY religious and non-religious group these days, is to be nice to the Jews aka Zionism, (or COPY the Jews) labelling anyone who will NOT come to the party ANTI-SEMITIC.
One other thing: I can follow the rebuttals The difference between the blue and the black text is indistinguishable.
Hope of the World After stating this I ask you a simple question if the Torah did not work (according to what you think that means) are followers of God Pre Cross saved? At what point do I share what God has done ? If you truly believed what you think Paul says is the true interpretation then you would leave them alone and not place your uneducated judgment upon them, if they do this unto God then it is unto God according to popular Christian dogma. Well, in all honesty, I couldnt care less what you think of me.
with the house of ISRAEL and with the house of JUDAH.
Thus the frustration of NOT living a life that is pleasing to God or full of Life! The point is that the Word of God, which includes the Torah, is unchanging from the
He even told his disciples at the last supper that he would not drink that last cup with them until he returned.
Jesus said if you love me then DO the what the Father has showed us to DO.
The speakers are just men. And if Jesus lied in Matthew 5:17-19 then that disqualifies him as Messiah.
Cultures have changed, therefore such laws as slavery dont apply as we dont have slaves!
And just like the LGBT coalition who tries to justify their own position by misquoting the Scriptures, you are treading on dangerous territory.
I dont know about you, but I dont relish the idea of living in a house with no roof, especially when its raining or snowing outside.
Im also angry with those who continue to perpetuate the Identity Theft that has been perpetrated against Yeshua the Messiah, transforming him into something that he is not and never will be, a Palestinian Freedom Fighter and a political revolutionary who wantonly violates the Torah and the rest of the Scriptures that he himself gave to my people, rightfully presenting himself as the Word of the one true and living God.
These Christians are your brothers and sisters!!!
Its a new wine skin validated by a new covenant brought about by the death & resurrection of the perfect and final Messiah-Lamb.
I became a Christian about 35 years ago.
Fear God.
There is no place in civil court for Gods people.
This is nothing short of anti semitism at its ugly form of Christianity think twice of your hate filled speech, hitler did all he could in the name of Christianity, the catholic church caused great division amongst the true brethren in the name of Christianity.
It is our desire to receive no attention or notoriety.
Id also like to use your teachings as a reference on this counter to 119 Ministries that Im working on.
I am, however, sick and tired of watching the majority of Christians being manipulated by the Adversary, who takes enormous pleasure in using many of you to hurt my people and keep us as far away as possible from the truth about our Messiah. This is the deception that has distracted the church for the last 150 or more years from its mission of disciplining the nations .. its called The Gospel Of the Kingdom.
You mentioned Rom.
Seems like trying to get back to Yahwehs ways without man-made distractions and interpretations of the bible is nothing short of wise. I keep the right to change my position if I am shown convincing scripture along with prompting by His Spirit which I pray I allow to lead me and you to all truth.
So why does it only apply to Israel in ancient days, and not now? Do what is right for you and your family. So when we know that the original language of the old testament is Hebrew. Now the law/torah has been changed because of the Messiahs sacrifice on the cross; we no longer use animals to cover our sin/transgression because our sin is forgiven by HIM & His death & resurrection!
26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Not for salvation, but for true worship. Get a taste for the real calling on Adam then we can talk. Many Protestants continue to believe that Martin Luther wanted to completely break away from the Roman Catholic Church, when in reality; he only wanted to reform it, hence the term Reformation.
There are probably plenty of believers who are so different from me that watching Seinfeld will not ever be sinful for them. Put them to the test- i did and what a journey.
The Covenant is new, Salvation Through Jesus (Death Burial Resurrection) and identifying with Jesus by the renewing of our spirit (Water Baptism, Infilling of the Holy Spirit).
What he says still stands.
These are simply mean spirited accusation meant to discredit instead actually having a dialogue about why someone is doing something different than what you think they should do.
I took your comment to be a misrepresentation of how you really felt.
-Matthew 10:18 If you (or anyone else reading this) would like me to give you specific scriptural evidence of why Jesus is not God and why the New Testament is a false teaching, let me know, but I would prefer that you pick up a copy of Lets Get Biblical by Rabbi Tovia Singer because typing on my iPad takes a lot of time.
so we take into consideration what Paul speaks in Rom 14; I will paraphrase if there are those weak in faith do not quarrel with them.
WebConsider sending out the map regularly to friends and social networks so others are afforded the same opportunity. It is the Holy Spirit who guides us, not ourselves. WHO died for you? You never know whats gonna happen!
You are leading to false conclusions and use continual ad hominem attacks. Jesus did! So consider that after a bride and groom make their vows to each other they then go about FULFILLING those vows.
If you have the word written in your heart you would by your new nature follow his commandments. In Christ Alone, by Faith Alone. Strangers first response is sometimes are you a mind reader? I say I am a lover of God in Christ!
This is not allowing all things to all people. Clearly, God set that down in front of me.This is where freedom in Christ is the most gorgeous thing in the new covenant (not really; Jesus himself is, but I digress). Is that the bottom line fear?
One huge thing I might note is that I believe 119 Ministries is a cult because it tears so many families apart.
Yes, Ive read Galatians years ago in a home Bible study we looked at it, and a couple years ago from knowing who exactly the Galatians were and looking at the context of the Galatians in its entirety and found it says much the opposite because we are Israel through Christ and the in-grafting. Sean, thank you. I just count seven days from each Sabbath. Naturally me and that child have a closer relationship because they show their love by showing their obedience.
I dont think so.
Spend your time studying to find truth and when you find truth that disagrees with your preconceived ideas or the traditions you have been taught learn humility for Yahshua himself said those in the end times will be given a strong delusion because they loved NOT the truth. Leah, stay strong! LeahI am a believer and just want to know an answer to a question I have: The NT references OT scripture all the timewhen it states that it is God breathed, His word, were the writers referring to the OT scripture or NT (merely just the letters written at that time)? The Jews believed that Simon Bar Khokhba was the Messiah. Heaven-and-Earth Huge! Words have power.
Linwood is an active member in the Presbytery of Elizabeth where he completed service on the Outreach and Social Concerns Unit and the Christian Education Unit.
If you love me keep my commandments And now I urge you, dear ladynot as a new commandment to you, but one we have had from the beginningthat we love one another.
That doesnt make sense, because we are Israel. Thats the problem.
The 119 Studio and Headquarters is located in Missouri. Here is an excellent site which helped me in my understanding of this conflict.. http://www.logosapostolic.org/bible_study/RP208-1PaulObservedSabbathDay.htm#b1.33.
In an unbelievable twist, the teaching conveniently re-defines law (Greek word nomos) through meandering logic to mean the law of sin and death.
Simply, why?
The blood of goats and calves was a symbolic picture of the blood bought, prophesied and glorious New Covenant of grace we are born again into!!!!! Im almost a senior.
He is prefacing the people with an important message I have not come to abolish the law and the prophets so lets consider the following option of Pleroo but to properly teach you or let me put it this way (me speaking) to fill up the holes in your understanding i.e.
Took with them the true Zoddok priest line. You obviously do not understand. -2 Corinthians 11:3-4 why did rory leave stone love 22 Mar.
Remember, Leah, not everyone who calls him Lord will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Thank you for your clarification.

Every statement he makes is proven by Scriptural evidence, so you can verify it all for yourself. Notice he did not say Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have come to abolish them However, that is essentially what most of the church teaches. As always, you have your crazy people in these movements, as there are some in all sects of some sort of religion.
Jesus Himself IS our new covenant Torah as we walk in His Holy Spirit of grace!!!
Nevertheless, each of us test everything for ourselves. Jesus would not attend most church meetings and may not be welcome at many Bible believing fellowships. Was Paul lying to Timothy when he wrote those words?
And who was the new covenant given to?
You would do well to truly study these things rather than speak about your opinions.
Each one of you needs to begin by reading the Sermon on the Mount and trying to live according to what Jesus commanded there.