From this marriage, Mike did not have any children. WebPompeo was married to Leslie Libert in 1986 and divorced in 1997. The official noted that Pompeo uses the language of an Army captain, a guy who went to West Point and got out before he became a general..
Education Amid speculation about whether he will run for a Senate seat next year, Pompeo was asked how long he planned to serve at State. It was later confirmed by officials that he himself had been on the call. Later, he left active duty in 1991 with the rank of captain and moved to Wichita, to establish aircraft parts He moved to Kansas, his late mothers home state, where, in early 1997, he and three of my best friends in the whole world from West Point, as he put it recently, started a company, Thayer Aerospace. [177] Pompeo has been a frequent guest on anti-Muslim activist Frank Gaffney's radio show for the Center for Security Policy. [84], Pompeo announced on January 23, 2019, that Juan Guaid would be recognized by the U.S. as the legitimate interim president of Venezuela, and that American diplomats in Caracas would remain at their posts, even as Nicols Maduro gave them three days to evacuate the country upon Guaid assumption of the presidency. Pompeo Cites China, North Korea as Trump's Unfinished Business (January 4, 2021). [60] The Senate floor vote took place on April 26 and Pompeo was confirmed by the full Senate by a 5742 vote, with five of ten Democratic senators running for reelection in 2018 in states that Trump won in 2016, voting to confirm Pompeo. WebMike Pompeo was born on December 30, 1963 in Orange, California, USA. In response, the spokesperson of the United States National Security Council Emily Horne criticized the sanctions as an unproductive and cynical move. [158][159] President Biden's National Security Council called the sanctions "unproductive and cynical. Trump agreed to the moves, but only because the jobs did not require Senate confirmation. Then he tied the knot with Susan Pompeo. Home Flow Scoreboard About Top sources Neutral 6050 events He did not want Basra to be his Benghazi, a former senior U.S. official who discussed the decision with Pompeo said. [193], While being interviewed on a podcast in 2023, Pompeo claimed that Israel has a biblical claim to the Palestinian territories, and therefore the situation can not be defined as an occupation. [173][174], In a 2013 speech on the House floor, Pompeo said Muslim leaders who fail to denounce acts of terrorism done in the name of Islam are "potentially complicit" in the attacks. Still, Pompeo had told the Topeka Capital-Journal, in April, that Trump was not a conservative believer, and, a few weeks later, he said, on CNN, A lot of his policies dont comport with my vision for how I represent Kansas.. Then, with Pompeo by his side, Trump made an unprecedented, hastily arranged visit with Kim Jong Un to the North Korean side of the Demilitarized Zone, while Bolton went off on a previously scheduled trip to Mongolia. ", "Israel, Sudan agree to normalize ties with U.S. help", "Pompeo backs Trump's actions to contest election results, and Biden calls them 'an embarrassment. The couple divorced in 1997. Just as he rewrote his business troubles into a success story, he has reinvented himself as the ultimate soldier for Trump. In the end, their divorce was finalized and they divorced. director. Pompeo is affiliated with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. The poem is structured in twenty-one quatrains, which follow the same pattern. [141] In early 2020, Pompeo touted the Trump administrations agreement with the Taliban that put the U.S. on a trajectory to leave Afghanistan by May 2021. [186], In November 2015, Pompeo visited Israel and said, "Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu is a true partner of the American people. pompeo mike nicholas susan son wife left right center A few minutes later, Pompeo concluded, Its time to turn down the lights on the circus., Pompeos stinging rebuke of Trump got barely a mention in the local press, and Rubio finished third in Kansas. [131][132] Photos from the event showed attendees not wearing masks consistently. She is married to Mike Pompeo on 27 May 2000. On Meet the Press, Pompeo called Clintons role in Benghazi worse, in some ways, than Watergate.. Lets make a pactif neither of us is married by thirty, we read an article about how many people are getting married later these days anyway., We didnt know what to get the man who has everything. Graduated first in his class at West Point Military Academy. Description. President Trump announced on March 13, 2018, that he would nominate Pompeo to serve as secretary of state, succeeding Rex Tillerson, who stepped down on March 31, 2018. In the end, Pompeo received even more Democratic votes, seven, than Tillerson had. "[152] The latter decision indirectly reduced humanitarian aid to Yemeni people, and it was quickly reversed by the Biden administration. He said he believed the shutdown was necessary to avoid an "American financial collapse 10 years from now".

[1][15][16][17], In 1994, Pompeo earned a Juris Doctor from Harvard Law School, where he was an editor of the Harvard Law Review and the Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy. He got there in part by aiding the committees chairman, Mike Rogers, who sought Pompeos help in quelling an incipient rebellion by his fellow Tea Party members over the renewal of the wide-ranging surveillance authorized in the U.S.A. Patriot Act after 9/11. Mike Pompeo got married to Leslie Libert in 1986. Prior to this marriage, in 1986 Pompeo married Leslie Libert. [218] As a member of the United States House Committee on Energy and Commerce, he voted for two resolutions disapproving of the Clean Power Plan implemented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency during the Obama administration. Pompeo was a conservative internationalist who had been shaped by his Cold War-era military service, and he remained a believer in American power as the guarantor of global stability. On April 23, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee voted 119 in favor of sending Pompeo's nomination to the full Senate, with Senator Chris Coons voting "present" and Johnny Isakson, who was absent that day, voting "yes by proxy". Their statement was highly misleading. Marc knows Mike well, a Republican friend of Pompeos told me, and Short got Pompeo to help Pence with debate preparation that fall. (Trump blocked Tillersons attempt to hire Abrams.) He is a politician who knows his audience; he wants to give the impression that he generally agrees but hes working with this wild man, another former senior State Department official, who has met with Pompeo privately, told me. 4. Later, he left active duty in 1991 with the rank of captain and moved to Wichita, to establish aircraft parts In the end, their divorce was finalized and they divorced. pompeo Names the 'Dark Prince' to Run Iran Operations, Signaling a Tougher Stance", "At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president's ardent ally", "C.I.A. [12] The couple later divorced. Pompeo urged the Afghan government to release the remaining prisoners to remove "the last obstacle to the start of intra-Afghan negotiations". [234], On January 20, 2021, following the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States, China announced that it has imposed sanctions on Pompeo and 28 other Trump administration officials. They made a seemingly odd foursomethe poorest member of Trumps inner circle and one of its richest, an evangelical Kansan and an actress who got in trouble for vamping in opera-length black leather gloves at the U.S. Mint. [216] He called the Obama administration's environment and climate change plans "damaging" and "radical". Will Donald Trump let the Secretary of State do his job? [164] On July 29, Pompeo indicated that a 2020 Senate run was "off the table". [142][143], Later, the Joe Biden administration extended the withdrawal timeline to August 2021, and Pompeo expressed support for it. Pompeo followed up with a social-media campaign that featured photos of himself and Patton, and a State Department logo with a new motto: the Department of Swagger. Diplomats quickly surmised, as a former senior department official put it, that Pompeos opening pitch was to a constituency of one.. Playing on loudspeakers was a song by the Canadian pop star Shawn Mendes: Theres Nothing Holdin Me Back.. When Mike met Susan, she worked as a banker. In 2015, they travelled together to Vienna and then revealed what they said were secret side deals that the Obama team had agreed to with the Iranians. In May 2019, Pompeo acted against environmental protection at the Arctic Council. She is married to Mike Pompeo on 27 May 2000. [33] In the general election, Pompeo defeated Democratic nominee Raj Goyle, a member of the Kansas House of Representatives. Many tabloids have often misinterpreted Susans marriage for Mike Pompeos first wife, Leslie Libert. WebAfter marrying his college sweetheart, Leslie Libert, the weekend he graduated, Pompeo took a prestigious posting as a tank commander in the U.S. Armys 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, which patrolled the border between East and West in Germany. In both years, Thayer authorized new shares to be issued, which would raise needed capital but could also dilute the stakes of early shareholders such as the Kochs fund. [10] In 1986, Pompeo graduated first in his class from the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he majored in engineering management. 14% of the invitees were diplomats or foreign officials while approximately 25% were frommostly conservativemedia or the entertainment industry, 29% from the corporate world, and 30% from U.S. politics or government. [122], An October 23, 2019, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the liberal watchdog group American Oversight persuaded a federal judge to give the State Department 30 days to release Ukraine-related records, including communications between Pompeo and President Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani. 5. Later because of some unknown reasons. Given that a subsequent F.B.I. All rights reserved. Then he tied the knot with Susan Pompeo. He is an executive. Mike is U.S. Secretary of State from 2018 to the present. Given the move in technology and communication methods, I think it's probably due for an update. The couple married right after he graduated from West Point. As a former senior White House official told me, There will never be any daylight publicly between him and Trump. The former official said that, in private, too, Pompeo is among the most sycophantic and obsequious people around Trump. Even more bluntly, a former American ambassador told me, Hes like a heat-seeking missile for Trumps ass.. The valedictorian of his public high school, he was nominated for West Point by his congressman, Bob Dornan, a fiery hard-right favorite of the defense industry. WebMike Pompeo had married Leslie Libert in 1986. Pompeo was a varsity basketball player at Los Amigos High School, where in 1982 he graduated third in his class of 285 with a 3.9 grade-point average and gave the valedictory address. [195] He accused the World Health Organization of being under control of the People's Republic of China and implicated China as being behind the significant number of deaths in the UK as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pompeo was confirmed for the position by the Senate this evening. Following his graduation from Kansas University, Pompeo spent two years working in sales at 21st Century Fox. Man, its hard to be No. Within three days, the Afghan president agreed to the release, which was completed the next month. [70][71], Pompeo played a role in Trump's three summits with North Korean supreme leader Kim Jong-un. Moreover, Mike is Christian and has also become a local church deacon for two years from 2007 till 2009. Rubio left his closing argument to Pompeo, who told the crowd at the Century II arena, Im going to speak to you from the heart about what I believe is the best path forward for America. An Army veteran who finished first in his class at West Point, Pompeo cited Trumps boast that if he ordered a soldier to commit a war crime the soldier would go do it. As the audience booed, Pompeo warned that Trumplike Barack Obamawould be an authoritarian President who ignored our Constitution. American soldiers dont swear an allegiance to President Trump or any other President, Pompeo declared. Mike sports an average build with a height of 5 11 (1.81 m). Two weeks later, Pompeo was hanging out with Trump in Urbans box at the Army-Navy football game. Mike was first married to Leslie Libert . Both the president and the chief financial officer of the Kochs venture fund sat, at various times, on Thayers board of directors, and in 2000 the fund helped secure loans of up to four million dollars for the firm to buy property. In a sign of Pompeos ability to remain in Trumps good graces, the President publicly bristled at Bolton, not him, after the aborted Iran strike. First person to have served as both CIA director and secretary of state. [93], In rejecting a claimed double standard in recognizing Israel's annexation of the Golan Heights but placing sanctions on Russia for annexing Crimea in 2014, Pompeo said "What the President did with the Golan Heights is recognize the reality on the ground and the security situation necessary for the protection of the Israeli state. [141] The deal required the Afghan government to release 5,000 imprisoned Taliban members. Pompeo became a deacon of Wichitas Eastminster Church, an evangelical congregation that eventually quit the mainstream Presbyterian Church because of its support for gay clergy. Pompeos background bears little resemblance to that of recent Secretaries of State, all of whom came to the job after long careers in public life and with extensive international experience. watchdog says Pompeo, wife violated ethics rules", "Pompeo's Wife Had State Staffers Make Hair Appointments, Walk Dog, Ethics Probe Finds", "Review of Allegations of Misuse of Department of State Resources", "Pompeo Declined Interview Request From Inspector General About Saudi Arms Sales", "Fired State Department watchdog was probing protocol office", The Latest: Pompeo was on Trump-Ukraine call, officials say, With Pompeo's Refusal to Obey Subpoena, Trump Administration 'Actively Obstructing the Impeachment Inquiry', "Trump impeachment: Pompeo accuses Democrats of 'bullying', Democrats accuse Pompeo of 'stonewalling,' after he pushes back on impeachment requests, "New Documents Reveal Details of Pompeo's Role in Ukraine Affair", "Judge orders State Department to release Ukraine records in 30 days", "Mike Pompeo says US has a 'duty' to investigate the bogus conspiracy theory at the center of the Ukraine scandal", "Secretary Michael R. Pompeo Remarks to the Press", "Coronavirus: US wants to enter Wuhan virology lab, and Trump questions China death toll", "COVID-19: Pompeo presses China to allow lab inspections", "U.S. scientists not allowed into China to investigate coronavirus origins, Mike Pompeo says", "Mike Pompeo breaks travel hiatus for hours-long visit to Israel", "Pompeo invites hundreds to indoor holiday parties after subordinates are warned against hosting 'non-mission critical events', "Pompeo flouts his own Covid guidelines with indoor holiday parties", "Hundreds of invitees skip Mike Pompeo's indoor holiday party at State Department", "Pompeo cancels final holiday party after he comes into contact with coronavirus", "Pompeo Quarantines After Coronavirus ExposureAfter Throwing A Christmas Party", "State Dept. He served as a tank platoon leader before becoming a cavalry troop executive officer and then the squadron maintenance officer. He trafficked in outlandish theories and engaged in slashing personal attacks. The episode was one of many in which Pompeo has struggled to avoid coming into public conflict with the President. He is an executive. Born in derision and remade in flattery, the relationship between Trump and Pompeo has proved surprisingly durable. The sanctions prohibit these individuals and their immediate family members from entering mainland China, and special administrative regions of Hong Kong and Macao. [226], He opposes same-sex marriage and sponsored bills to let states prevent same-sex couples from marrying. Pompeo is also a deacon and teaches Sunday school. He divorced her in 1997 without having children. [66][65][67][68] Under Pompeo's tenure, career State Department officials quit, were forced into retirement or fired, and were replaced by inexperienced political appointees. [199], Pompeo has also argued that China's claims and activities in the South China Sea were illegal. 3, lifted Tillersons hiring freeze, and consulted all the living former Secretaries of State, including Hillary Clinton, who took his call even though he had savaged her over Benghazi. Pompeo, an Iran hawk far longer than he has been a Trump supporter, has been driving the Administrations hard-line maximum pressure strategy. [7][11][12] He was a classmate of Brian Bulatao and Ulrich Brechbuhl, who later helped him found Thayer Aerospace. Then, at a welcoming ceremony in the lobby of C.I.A. [129] On May 13, 2020, Pompeo made a swift visit to Israel for his first trip overseas since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China stated that it had decided to sanction those "who have seriously violated China's sovereignty and who have been mainly responsible for such U.S. moves on China-related issues." The review had found more than 100 instances of misconduct where Pompeo requested that State Department staff perform personal errands for him and his wife,[110] "from booking salon appointments and private dinner reservations to picking up their dog and arranging tours for the Pompeos' political allies. We're ready. For years, Pompeo criticized Secretary of State Hillary Clintons handling of the incident, and, when the select committee that was created to investigate it issued a bipartisan report clearing her, Pompeo and Jim Jordan, Republican of Ohio, were the only dissenters, arguing that Clinton knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack but, with the 2012 Presidential election only two months away, she covered it up. On the same day as his West Point graduation (1986), Pompeo married Leslie Cain Libert from Islip, NY. Its being the person who shines your shoes the best and also has the most athletic skills. After marrying his college sweetheart, Leslie Libert, the weekend he graduated, Pompeo took a prestigious posting as a tank commander in the U.S. Armys 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment, which patrolled the border between East and West in Germany. Web"Libert" (Liberty) is a 1942 poem by the French poet Paul luard. Last September, he ordered the closure of the U.S. consulate in the Iraqi city of Basra, despite objections from some State Department officials. Is Mike Pompeo Married Now? of state accuses Beijing of stirring racial unrest", "Mike Pompeo cuts visits to South Korea and Mongolia from his Asia trip", "Pompeo lashes out at China at 'Quad' meeting", "United States should recognise 'free' Taiwan, Mike Pompeo says", "Trump's CIA Pick: Russia 'Threatening Europe,' Failing To Destroy Islamic State", "Pompeo Calls On Russia To Free Hunger-Striking Sentsov", "Mike Pompeo calls Vladimir Putin a dictator, blames Biden for Ukraine war, but China 'greater threat', "Russia wants to control energy reserves of all former Soviet countries, Mike Pompeo says", "Rep. Mike Pompeo: Wind tax credit harms economy", "Kansas starts working toward clean air plan that Pompeo wants to kill", "Trump Thwarts GOP Plot to Pretend His Climate Agenda Isn't Idiotic", "The U.N. Report on Extinction vs. Mike Pompeo at the Arctic Council", "GOP Congressman Explains Why He Wants to Defund a Health Program He Supports", "WHO slams 'unacceptable' remarks by U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo", "Editorial: Trump's WHO war is just an attempt to divert attention from his own failures", "Pompeo: No rape exception in anti-abortion view", Prohibiting forced abortions by UN Population Fund, "Pompeo tells Kamala Harris he won't discriminate against LGBT workers at the CIA", "Mike Pompeo still opposes gay marriage. ] President Biden 's National Security Council Emily Horne criticized the sanctions prohibit these and... With Trump in Urbans box at the Arctic Council Cain Libert from Islip, NY Paul luard working sales! This evening `` damaging '' and `` radical '' which Pompeo has proved surprisingly durable been. Nothing Holdin me Back on December 30, 1963 in Orange, California, USA climate... 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