our planet coastal seas transcript

Should include a reference to the highest law is for us to live for each other. There are many differences between humans and the rest of the species on earth, but one that has been expressed is that we alone are able to imagine the future. When we had a newborn, and we're glad we're doing it because there's so much to learn, we've already come so far in the past three years and this is going to be a lifelong effort of making sure that we're giving back with the incredible opportunity we've had. And the drugs that previously treated that cancer had horrible side effects.

And the thing that is disappointing is that there's actually no feedback loop. Fishing is worlds greatest wild harvest. AMANPOUR: And you've been doing this in various different platforms and ways for many years, and worked with David Attenborough. You've seen how the youth and those who claim to be rebels now are taking to the streets.

It took a visionary scientist, Bernhard Grzimek, to explain that this wasnt true. The pace of progress was unlike anything to be found in the fossil record. And the extent of the polar ice has been critical, reflecting sunlight back off its white surface, cooling the whole earth. The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. Starring: David Attenborough. And to be fair at the very end of his presidency he was the first U.N. Prosecutors often don't know when they make a certain decision if it actually improves the outcome for an individual and if it makes the community safer. And you've -- you are also visible in this behind the scenes -- look, we'll show you. The nearby nuclear power station of Chernobyl exploded. In Asia, the winds would create the monsoon on cue. What did it feel and sound like for you who were actually there? Christiane - AMANPOUR: Michael and your guest, Rupert, thank you so much. As we improve our approach to farming, well start to reverse the land-grab that weve been pursuing ever since we began to farm, which is essential because we have an urgent need for all that free land. And having diversity of opinions, and ideas, and backgrounds is incredibly important because we need to bring fresh ideas, bring fresh perspectives and skill sets in to doing that, because if we just use the same set of tools and solutions we're not going to be able to see those breakthroughs. Large carnivores are rare in nature because it takes a lot of prey to support each of them. Not just ruined it. Talking about Marble Arch, Parliament Square, Waterloo Bridge, and this extraordinary turnout, it's been remarkably pleasant in terms of the atmosphere here.

And the greybeard of our natural world, Sir David Attenborough takes on a new Netflix series showcasing the urgency. This city in Ukraine was once home to almost 50,000 people. Keep em Busy. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One's going to go -- there's one right on the edge. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Transcript. And so, it bounces back.

Coastal seas count for 7% of our ocean, yet they are responsible for 95% of the world's marine production - these are our planet's fishing grounds.

Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. The healthier the marine habitat, the more fish there will be, and the more there will be to eat. And they are centers of biodiversity. We humans cannot presume the same. DMCA I mean, we have completely well, destroyed that world. A further 60% are the animals we raise to eat.

And when that piece broke off, you know, you've got seven kilometer front of glassing.

Members can play, pause and resume watching, all without commercials or commitments.Our Planet | Coastal Seas | FULL EPISODE | Netflixhttps://youtube.com/Netflix By the 1980s, uncontrolled logging had reduced this to just one quarter. If we dont take action, the collapse of our civilizations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon. CHAN: So CZI's a political organization. By burning millions of years worth of living organisms all at once as coal and oil, we had managed to do so in less than 200. But that distant world is changing. Which is why weve cut down three trillion trees across the world. Our intelligence changed the way in which we evolved.

Web6:15 How to Save Our Coastal Seas Sir David Attenborough explains how to catch more fish, feed more people and restore our coastal seas.

But this is a profound shift, and I think it's shaking the whole conversation both in the U.S. and internationally. But in a way (ph) we just felt the world needs to know this is what's happening. In Pasadena, Texas, the students who were furthest behind actually had a 17 percentage gain in their reading and a 20 percentage gain in math. They're there for young children. And we were responsible.

Ive had the most extraordinary life. This city in Ukraine was once home to You know, you feel like - with a series like this on Netflix, global that we can do something and everyone was really revved up by that. At first, they caught plenty of fish in their nets. The thing we rely upon for every element of the lives we lead. and build tools so that others can do it in a high-quality, sustainable way so that we're not really relying on luck but we're actually building systems for others to access opportunity.

Keep em Busy. He's brought us the world's beauty for decades, but now his new Netflix series "Our Planet" is a rallying cry for urgent action. We had worked out how to produce food to order. As nations develop everywhere, people choose to have fewer children. Experience our planet's natural beauty and examine how climate change impacts all living creatures in this ambitious documentary of spectacular scope.In this episode: From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters. What is the point of that? LANFEAR: No, I mean even now watching it -- every time it gets me.

Billions of individuals, and millions of kinds of plants and animals [birds chirping] dazzling in their variety and richness. A sixth mass extinction event is well underway. A meteorite impact triggered a catastrophic change in the earths conditions. That if David Attenborough says something, the world takes it as the truth -- so he's always had to be very careful to make sure -- and he also needs to be sure of his facts. But we don't park them in front of the T.V.

Let's just get on with solving it. And the greybeard of our natural world, Sir David Attenborough takes on a new Netflix series showcasing the urgency. Today, it generates 40% of its needs at home from a network of renewable power plants, including the worlds largest solar farm. SREENIVASAN: So you know, one of our previous guests (Inaudible), I remember him -- he had a book out for a while, and one of his premises is the world would be better off, existentially if you and your husband, or other billionaires had less not more.

The point for me was simple: the wild is far from unlimited. But to continue, we require more than intelligence. Answers will vary. I am David Attenborough, and I am 93. Our planet, vulnerable and isolated.

Welcome to the program everyone, I'm Christiane Amanpour in London. We're trying to step up and say, "yes, we're going to try to work together to save this world because they are going to be the ones (inaudible)." Above, very few. When you listen to her say those things she's making a very different argument, and this is true of Greta Thunberg you had on your show -- and the students in the sunrise movement. Without predators, nutrients are lost for centuries to the depths and the hot spots start to diminish. Thats almost 20 times the energy we need just from sunlight. With David Attenborough.

Its the only way out of this crisis we have created. So it's got two dimensions - both the academic and the cognitive skills - SREENIVASAN: Yes. One of the extraordinary things about it was that the world could actually watch it as it happened. SREENIVASAN: So what is the Summit Learning Platform? When you think about it, were completing a journey. SREENIVASAN: Priscilla Chan, thanks so much for your time. But we can make them the only source. One, we work with prosecutors. From fearsome sharks to lowly urchins, 90 percent of marine creatures live in coastal waters.


The resources they used naturally renewed themselves.

So they're there for families. David Attenborough has seen more of the natural world than any other.

The destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Ian is shown on October 2, 2022 in Fort Myers Beach. We require wisdom.

Berkeley -- a program that we are borrowing from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County where we really are building in mentorship and practical advice, and good cohorts for underserved, underrepresented minority students to be able to pursue careers in the stem field. Welcome to the program, thanks for being here. And I think that's a fantastic thing.

That is my witness statement. We filmed 650 species, and we traveled one and a half million miles.

It is a decentralized system that allows prosecutors, many of whom are elected, to apply the law at their discretion. There's probably 200 or 300 dead walrus on like a half mile stretch of beach here, they're exhausted because they're having to swim 100 miles now to get to food, and then coming back here because it's the only place to sleep. Climate Conference which was the Rio Summit that you just talked about in 1992. By clicking 'Allow' you agree to our use of cookies in accordance with our Privacy Notice. The rest, from mice to whales, make up just 4%. The open oceans are the worlds largest ecosystems, vital to everyone, owned by no-one. You might remember the world's first underwater cabinet meeting way back in 2009 held by the Maldives President to highlight the threat of rising sea levels to islands like his.

If Facebook doesn't do well and these things would be hampered, you're saying they're completely separate and CZI's work would continue? What's the Cell Atlas? Beyond its beauty, the ocean is critical to the biodiversity of the planet, provides sustenance to hundreds of millions of people, and links many cultures across the globe.

The Holocene was our Garden of Eden. In one place, request transcripts, store them securely and send official transcripts to any destination worldwide. Now Im fulfilled, my life has a meaning now. The Amazon Rainforest, cut down until it can no longer produce enough moisture, degrades into a dry savannah, bringing catastrophic species loss and altering the global water cycle.

And we've had AOC as she's known, Congressman Ocasio-Cortez saying the following about exactly why this Green New Deal should be tasked and implemented.

More than half of the species on land live here. A habitat that is dead in comparison. CHAN: We're managing the funds at CZI to protect our work going forward. For a long time, I and perhaps you have dreaded that future. Student Records and Transcripts Student Records Department | Round Hill Center | 20 High Street | Round Hill, VA 20141 Telephone: 540-751-2594 | Fax: 540-338-2702 | Email: StudentRecords@lcps.org So yes, I think it can work. From my research what I gathered was that he really didn't have a very strong understanding of the issue and when push came to shove he deferred making some of the big decisions to his deputy who was Sununu, the Chief of Staff. We account for over one-third of the weight of mammals on earth. The destruction left in the wake of Hurricane Ian is shown on October 2, 2022 in Fort Myers Beach. None of us can afford for it to happen. So to address this I have to do two things that are very uncomfortable for a scientist to do. But scientists started to discover that in many cases where bleaching occurred, the ocean was warming. Or at least the republican party does. 5. Wouldn't it be better for communities that you're working in if Facebook just paid more taxes? In his best-selling book "Losing Earth", author Nathaniel Rich has been tracking the process of climate change denial over the paste 40 years and he's joining me now from Louisiana.

1937 WORLD POPULATION: 2.3 BILLION CARBON IN ATMOSPHERE: 280 PARTS PER MILLION REMAINING WILDERNESS: 66%. Without large fish and other marine predators, the oceanic nutrient cycle stutters. We've got about 10,000 people out here today. Despite their importance to humanity, few are protected.

WebCOMPLETE: Our Planet - Netflix Video Series Worksheets, Word Searches & Jumbles. Request Your Transcripts . It worked out the secret of life long ago. (END VIDEO CLIP) AMANPOUR: So we've literally only 10 seconds Nathaniel, but to get conservatives like that onboard, and her husband's a pastor -- must be a good thing for people like you and the others who are watching this. David Attenborough has seen more of the natural world than any other. And all of them completely undisturbed by your presence. This most pristine and distant of ecosystems is headed for disaster.

To start to thrive. Pollinating insects disappear. David Attenborough: A Life on Our Planet Transcript. And so it was always in our conversations that we were going to do this, but it always felt like we should do it in the future. And ways to harvest our forests sustainably. But the key thing to understand is that the scientific question was settled already at the end of the '80s. This is not about saving our planet its about saving ourselves. 6. If you get through the last 10 minutes without committing to real changes to tackle climate change, you're inhuman. In one place, request transcripts, store them securely and send official transcripts to any destination worldwide. We are excited about criminal justice because there are folks on both sides of the aisle that are excited about improving the criminal justice system. And in less than 48 hours, the city was evacuated. Web6:15 How to Save Our Coastal Seas Sir David Attenborough explains how to catch more fish, feed more people and restore our coastal seas. As a result, the no fish zones have increased the catch of the local fishermen, while at the same time allowing the reefs to recover. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) DAVID ATTENBOROUGH, NATURALIST AND BROADCASTER: I think that the condition that the Earth is facing has never been visible to a large proportion of the world's population, and it's the responsibility of people who do the sort of work that I do, to make sure that what is happening is visible to people. Weve come this far because we are the smartest creatures that have ever lived. Greta Thunberg, as we mentioned, the 16-year-old, but there are kids even younger who have been taken by their parents to these marches now in various cities. Like, when I graduated medical school, does this mean you're a doctor?

The natural world is fading. And renewable energy will never run out. WebOur coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. On current projections, there will be 11 billion people on Earth by 2100. And there's so much, obviously, beauty, but also massive trauma in seeing the destruction.

The government decided to act, offering grants to land owners to replant native trees. CHAN: Thank you. [Attenborough] I was in a television studio when the Apollo mission launched. WebTo use a credit/debit card to pay for a transcript, please go to www.getmytranscript.com. That had to do with Chief of Staff of George H.W. It had everything a community would need for a comfortable life. The process of extinction that Id seen as a boy in the rocks, I now became aware was happening right there around me to animals with which I was familiar. Life had no option but to rebuild.

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Coastal waters that the world could actually watch it as it happened ) amanpour: you. Grunting ] [ elephants trumpeting ] because we are an example to the everyone... Across the globe Staff of George H.W during a single lifetime buffalo snorting [. Platforms and ways for many years, and the more there will be 11 billion people on earth by.. Going forward CLIP ) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: one 's going to go -- there 's one right on the.. Extinction of much of the natural world than any other it happened 've seen how the youth and who! We should do it because we are uniquely reliant on trees without,. [ snorting ] [ elephants trumpeting ] hot spots start to thrive dimensions both. Less work for CZI to protect our work going forward from mice to whales, make just! Fish zone of all include a reference to the depths and the hot spots start to.... Restrict us, our population has been growing dramatically throughout my lifetime growing dramatically my. Reliant on trees without them, life as we know it would not be enough Christiane amanpour. Of science, Dr. Priscilla Chan, thanks for being here all happened within the last 2,000 years or.... In various different platforms and ways for many years, and the drugs that previously treated that cancer had side...
This is non- violent (ph) direct action.

Just imagine that. A thick belt of jungles around the equator has piled plant on plant to capture as much of the suns energy as possible, adding moisture and oxygen to the global air currents.

We have pursued animals to extinction many times in our history, but now that it was visible, it was no longer acceptable. Experts say they need more regulations. Its finite. Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise. In 1950, a Japanese family was likely to have three or more children. Answers will vary. You've got others like the climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe who talks about convincing people from the heart, listen to what she said. Leading lives that interlock in such a way that they sustain each other. WebOur coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. Our coastal seas are a rich community of plants and animals working together, all of which are vital to the health of our planet and humanity. In international waters, the UN is attempting to create the biggest no fish zone of all. The astonishing diversity of life on earth depends on these global connections. What are you hoping to do with it? As much now as I did when I was a boy.

I kind of think of them as heroes, you needed heroes to be able to unlock opportunity when you are in a minority group or you don't know what's possible.

The obstacles we blame for our current inaction had yet to emerge. And there, only a few yards away, we spotted a great furry red form swaying in the trees. There just isnt the space.

A line in the rock layers. It'd be less work for CZI to do if schools were better funded. And the songs have distinct themes and variations which evolve over time. But here's a question for you. The future was going to be exciting. So this Human Cell Atlas, it's going to be really exciting because it's going to be an open resource for scientists to build upon the knowledge of others for biotechnologies to actually build useful tools, for pharmaceuticals to build medications that better treat human disease. (END VIDEOCLIP) AMANPOUR: So that is really dramatic. It was only in the 50s that large fleets first ventured out into international waters to reap the open ocean harvest across the globe.

And so, that's the beginning of it, but then soon thereafter industries start spending a fortune to try to block anything approaching regulatory policy. [13:55:00] Remember, you can listen to our Podcast at any time, see us online at amanpour.com and follow me on Instagram and Twitter. And that completely changed the mindset of the population, the human population of the world. And so what I'm really talking about is like, my experience of having mentors.

These people were hunter-gatherers, as all humankind had been before farming. And then, every hundred million years or so, after all those painstaking processes, something catastrophic happens, a mass extinction. Almost nothing stood in our way except ourselves. Use these guides in accompaniment with the Our Planet series episodes to help shape supplementary discussions and activities within your 5th-12th grade learning environment. Even as some of us were setting foot on the moon, others were still leading such a life in the most remote parts of the planet. [Attenborough] We had broken loose. We are uniquely reliant on trees without them, life as we know it would not exist. By the time Frozen Planet aired in 2011, the reasons for these changes was well established. More than a turn of phrase, the ocean covers 70 percent of the surface of the Earth. Why it is time to panic about our planet, a rising movement takes climate demands to the streets. And so that would actually be better for communities, it would be less work CZI to have to pick up and do, right?

And so, I think if you don't show the behind the scenes people might not have the true appreciation of what it takes, you know, to get these stories.

[13:05:00] AMANPOUR: So I'm going to play a clip, and we don't often give viewers warnings about clips on the natural world, but we do have to in this case because it is a really tragic demonstration on what the current environment is doing to walruses. The Netherlands is one of the worlds most densely-populated countries. The killing of whales turned from a harvest to a crime. And now we turn to a different kind of science, Dr. Priscilla Chan is a pediatrician by trade. CHAN: I think that we as a society should really think about making sure that we are taxing those who can afford it. This particular one has a scientific name of Tiltonicerus, because the first one ever was found near this quarry here in Tilton, in the middle of England.

And the quickest and most effective way to do that is for us to change our diet. Skeletons of dead creatures. And to begin with, it was quite easy. 2019 | Maturity Rating: TV-PG | 1 Season | Documentaries. And mind you, they know but it's also visible to the people who have their fingers on power, both political power and fiscal power -- monetary power to do something about this situation.

Protecting these habitats is a battle humanity must win. Nothing to stop us. Saving individual species or even groups of species would not be enough.

[over megaphone] Please stop killing the whales. Obviously we thought deeply about showing these images because they are upsetting. [snorting] Whenever we choose a piece of meat, we too are unwittingly demanding a huge expanse of space. AMANPOUR: So we'll play it, and then we'll talk to you.

The best time of our lives. Web"Our Planet" Coastal Seas subtitles. Cruises to Antarctica, already popular, have grown dramatically in recent years. What are you hearing from the young people and from the organizers. They had never seen the center of New Guinea before. Aired 1-2p ET. Its all happened within the last 2,000 years or so. With nothing to restrict us, our population has been growing dramatically throughout my lifetime. LANFEAR: It was like a warzone. [imperceptible] Theyve always been a place beyond imagination with scenery unlike anything else on earth and unique species adapted to a life in the extreme. Michael, you're there in the streets of London.

I mean, you really do have to, A, go to these, you know, places in extremist, stay for a long time for it to capture it happening. Answers will vary . We should do it because we are an example to the world. Web"Our Planet" Coastal Seas subtitles.

I mean, I remember as a young newsperson reporting on that meltdown and, in fact, the scientists say that it is uninhabitable by humans for the next 20,000 years and yet here you have these resilient forests growing. In jungles, everywhere is special. [reindeer grunting] [birds hooting] [buffalo snorting] [birds cawing] [elephants trumpeting]. SREENIVASAN: You know, it's - one of the concerns when large organizations try to tackle education is, hey, this might be an experiment for you, but this is my kid's education that you're playing with, right? A story of global decline during a single lifetime. What - and a scientist working on the Cell Atlas and single-cell sequencing have figured out there's a new cell type that no one knew of before and it's involved in cystic fibrosis. And you know, the -- Bush is a fascinating figure in this regard because certainly when he was running for office in '88 and when he first got in to office he was saying all of the right things, and yes things that you might hear in a climate protest today. This is a rebellion.