blount high school uniform policy 2021

[76] found introduction of a uniform did not significantly change the schools culture before and after a school uniform was introduced, though some females said males treated them better when they wore a uniform. Eur J Educ Sci (2018). This is indicative only (a small study from one country), but highlights how much is not known about the impact of uniform on other domains of education.

Happel [87] argues that because skirts allow for exposure of underwear, buttocks, and genitals, girls are taught modesty/immodesty through a garment. Sugamiya, K. Relations between Clothes Worn by High School Students and Air Temperature in winter. 121.EEO. Likewise, Watson et al. [51] found that school uniform style and lack of warmth was a barrier to cycling to school for some female secondary students, and Ward et al. Uniform wearing can be intrinsic to a greater good, or instrumental in reaching other goals.

Thus, in some post-colonial contexts uniform was part of a transfer of British values and seen as a way to civilize and promote a certain ideology [92]. View the flyer below for more information. 41(4):64357. 08:1118. In addition to general rights to equal treatment, specifically protected rights are of concern when considering uniform, particularly freedom of religion and the right to non-discrimination because of gender. 9(4):32138. TABLE 2. In this example, human rights legislation allowed schools to have uniform codes for males and females, providing uniforms do not disadvantage one gender or group. Hist Educ Q (2018). Additionally, some argue that uniforms contribute to a sense of affiliation in students, belonging [81], and pride in the school, especially after uniform has been recently introduced [82]. School Uniforms Are on the Rise Even for Toddlers and Its Changing Back-To-School Shopping [Internet]. In Thailand and other countries with endemic dengue, school uniform design, the use of insecticide-treated clothing [5962], and how uniform is worn [63] have been investigated extensively in relation to dengue prevention, especially how to stop insecticide washing out of fabric. Use of Insecticide-Treated School Uniforms for Prevention of Dengue in Schoolchildren: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis.

Moser, S. Educating the Nation: Shaping Student-Citizens in Indonesian Schools. 83.

Further, in an age of active transport policy, Hopkins et al. 112. J Silk [Internet] (2019). 18(2/3):13148. Writing about the United States, DaCostas [35] study of students noted improved concentration and increased security in the school where uniform was introduced. 54(1):49106. Note this study examines the breadth of evidence for uniform wearing. One contradiction to this trend comes from Hidalgo et al. Differential treatment by gender is underpinned by historical and some current thought, though it is rarely discussed in relation to uniform. Vopat [40] argues that small children lack the cognitive ability for substantive expression because they do not have the psychological capacity for it yet. 132. PLoS One (2014). Ethics Educ (2010). Health Educ (2014). [Internet]. Available from: doi:10.1163/187103109x12471223630919. Fortunately, any negative educational and health impacts of school uniform garment design and policy are amenable to change. Costume (2008). [Internet]. Available from:, 102. Studies elicited views from stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, school counselor. [107], Sitieni and Pillay [108] and Cho et al.

Akaguri, L. Fee-free Public or Low-Fee Private Basic Education in Rural Ghana: How Does the Cost Influence the Choice of the Poor? School Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Students in Australia. Starr, J. 5(3):20315. The Impact of Cost on Children's Participation in School-Based Experiences: Parents' Perceptions. However, claims about uniform fostering solidarity are not supported by empirical research on student feelings about belonging in the school context. This review has important implications for future research. . 12 studies examined garment properties for Sun protection, safety, design. [Internet] (2016).

93. Available from: doi:10.1177/0017896919846182, 54. 37. 14(4):292302. 58(2):22960. Available from: (cited 22 Nov 2020), 8. 59. It has been argued that uniforms communicate messages to those outside the school community. Brunsma and Rockquemores (2003) response to Bodines assessment of their administrative data review in the late 1990s reiterated that no overwhelming link exists between uniform wearing and academic outcomes (there were methodological disagreements about which data to choose and how they should be analyzed).

The authors hypothesize that in South Korea and Japan, Confucian values of self-discipline and conformity to ritual inform practical aspects of daily life. 6(2):12749. Some [87] argue that uniform should be done away with altogether because of harm to childrens human rights. FIGURE 1. 25(1):113. However, as in low income countries, uniform creates an unequal cost burden across the population. 99(6):745. Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning. December 18, 2021. doi:10.1111/1467-8527.00044, 23. 13. 27.

School uniforms provide explicit teachable moments, opportunities to think using different moral frameworks to examine the utility of different social attire and freedom of expression in context, and childrens understanding of and critical thinking about social appropriateness of dress [135], which enhances learning outcomes [40]. Nonetheless, poorly designed garments and uniform policies especially affect girls and minorities. Available from: Texts were de-duplicated, yielding 197 texts. 43(1):945. Available from:, 77. [98] describe how uniforms that use a hybrid of traditional and modern clothing styles, materials, and manufacturing techniques are part of a cultural revitalization project in Thailand. However, while the use of insecticide-treated clothing is supported by parents in these countries, willingness to pay for the uniform is linked to parental monthly income.

Correcting for choice of activity (ballgames, skipping vs imaginary play, verbal games), girls did significantly more activity during breaks on sports uniform days. (2015). 22.

It does not level social class, and is not blind to religion, gender, and socio-economic status. 120.Arora v Melton Christian College (Human Rights)VCAT 1507 [Internet]. Shao, CY, Baker, JA, and Wagner, J. 45(5):8007. Further, dominant societal values are the lens through which human rights and other implicit and explicit values are projected. Overall, it appears that while uniform is a factor that removes distractions from classroom learning, thereby enhancing operational management, it has no direct impact on academic achievement and is not among factors that demonstrably improve educational outcomes.

London: Bloomsbury (2005). 90(6):143945.

103:4351. Available from: doi:10.1108/jcs-04-2018-0008, 109. Surface area: 21.114 km2; Population: 6.268.099; Foreign population: 1.090.460 (17,4%) Institutions for higher education: 14; Unemployment rate: 4,5% Functionality (durability, ease of care, ease of drying, stain and wrinkle resistance) is often preferred over comfort or safety (Kadolph, 2001 in 36). (2013).

Finally, as with other areas of inquiry, philosophical pieces or commentaries often argue against the status quo rather than defend it. Blanket approaches to uniform policy can be repressive of cultural identity/diversity and ignore entrenched power imbalances [22, 131]. Non-inclusive uniform policy relies upon the idea that clothing is an essential element of gender identity and that any fluidity or flexibility in dress rules risks undermining individual and collective gender identity. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the school year in many English-speaking countries there are numerous press articles about the cost burden to families of providing school uniforms [48], whether they are value for money [911], and whether garment design is fit for modern life [1217]. Available from: doi:10.3402/gha.v6i0.20473, 64. 114.

Hesse is a federal state in west-central Germany that is bordered by the states of Lower Saxony, Thuringia, Bavaria, Baden-Wrttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia.. Hesse in numbers. In some societies, uniform wearing seems intrinsically linked to a greater societal good. Views were gathered via survey and/or focus group.
In New Zealand, a survey of parents [115] found school uniform cost is a significant burden for poorer families. For some, adhering to a school uniform policy means not observing religious requirements. Within that framework, school uniform provides what Vopat [40] describes as teachable moments (unplanned, yet important learning opportunities) to reflect on norms of society. doi:10.1080/15388220.2010.507146, 78. This is possibly because it is linked to deeply entrenched and normalized gender roles. 19595. Adv Sci Lett (2017). Available from: doi:10.1080/00131880500104366, 44. [Internet]. Perceptions of School Uniforms in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses. Of Ed. Some surveys formed part of a case study. The William Blount High School Store allows you to customize Governors clothing and merch. 68. Poorly designed sports uniform may also deter girls and overweight childrens participation in timetabled physical education.

Brunsma, D, and Rockquemore, K. Statistics, Sound Bites, and School Uniforms: A Reply to Bodine. If the educational and health impacts of uniform are clear it could be possible to improve wearer experience to ensure that garments are desirable, equitable, healthy, and safe [22], and that both policies and garments enable all students to learn and thrive in modern life. Educ as Change (2012). 9(10). 72(4):396405. The first group comprised empirical research that examined data on some aspect of garment design or policy or uniform wearing experience. 14(1):5369. SDG 4: Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Promote Lifelong Learning Opportunities for All [Internet]. 52(1):12342. Wilder-Smith, A, Tissera, H, AbuBakar, S, Kittayapong, P, Logan, J, Neumayr, A, et al. Similarly, Firmin et al. Palgrave Pivot (2019). Thus, Catherine and Mulgalavi [75] found in Pakistan that school uniform had a positive effect on students self-esteem, particularly if they had the full and correct uniform. Globally, governments are trying increase physical activity among children and young people to reduce child obesity rates [45]. Other issues like cost, value for money, environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials may be of interest. What the United Kingdom Can Teach the United States about School Uniforms. There is no data that directly addresses non-academic learning outcomes from uniform. Fashion Pract (2019). WHO, Geneva: Available from: There is evidence that uniforms can be psychosocially protective of health. Sun Protection Among New Zealand Primary School Children. Nishigai, M. From Categorizing to Balancing liberty Interests in Constitutional Jurisprudence: An Emerging Sliding-Scale Test in the Seventh Circuit and Public School Uniform Policies.

Hattie, J.

The author undertook this entire project.

Of Dress and Redress: Student Dress Restrictions in Constitutional Law and Culture. 47(2):23550. doi:10.1080/00220670309597510. A countrys history, power structures, and socio-economic patterns are thus played out through uniforms. Convention on the Rights of the Child. 67. 6(1). 96.

Ironically, those most in need of education may be denied it via a mechanism that was originally instituted to remove barriers to education. Available from: Fem Leg Stud [Internet] (2006). Can Provision of Free School Uniforms Harm Attendance? J Sch Violence (2012). Nurture (2012). Indeed, Swains ethnography found that students who complied with uniform rules risked being socially excluded [79]. [50] reported that recommended physical activity for school-aged children was not being met, especially for girls, where restrictive school uniform limited physical activity and created an explicit barrier to lunchtime play. School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research.

Gereluk proposes principles for a non-discriminatory environment [72], which provides helpful guidance on how to accommodate minority concerns into majority spaces. Asia-Pacific J Health Sport Phys Educ. It will also be of special interest to the general public, who will be better informed about the evidence for what uniform achieves, and what can be done about making it better. 136. [Internet]. Harv Civ Rights-civil Lib L Rev (2019). . The practice of wearing/using/mandating a school uniform will be referred to as uniform policy.

Blount High School. Braun, A, Ball, SJ, and Maguire, M. Policy Enactments in Schools Introduction: towards a Toolbox for Theory and Research. However, in the United States one study found negligible evidence of uniform enhancing security [43], while another study found introducing uniform created only a lower perception of gang presence [44]. 60(1):5462.

p. 230. Because garment design reflects the norms of the dominant culture, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender-diverse students often have to compromise beliefs and identity to comply with uniform rules. 42(1):16983. The first group examines the role of uniforms in institutions and the community; the second, the interaction between human rights and uniform; the third (dealt with in part 3 below) the relationship of uniforms to the idea of children as a vulnerable class of people who need special protection. Starting with the evidence for the impact of uniform on educational outcomes (the core in Figure 1), there is little convincing evidence that uniform improves academic achievement. Indeed, Bodine [89] notes that uniform reinforces and delineates social hierarchies and who belongs. [Internet]. Focusing on physical activity, Watsons et al.s [49] study noted the complex social factors that affect physical activity, and how a unisex sport uniform could enhance the feeling of comfort and confidence. Available from: 90. [Internet]. Available from: doi:10.1080/16549716.2018.1549930, 61.

Wearing Long Pants while Working Outdoors in the Tropics Does Not Yield Higher Body Temperatures. Available from: doi:10.1186/1745-6215-13-212, 60. 92(6):636. 127.Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley. blount high school uniform policy 2021blount high school uniform policy 2021. blount high school uniform policy 2021. The New Yorker (2017). (2018). [Internet]. Uniform signals a schools place in the education market and gives external and internal indications of the school culture (22, 26, 36). Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This study involved a very large sample of students from across the globe. [Internet]. 94. There are hypotheses that uniform provides a teaching opportunity about appropriate dress, and socializes people to a particular dress standard. This article applies a public health lens to review evidence about why we have uniforms and what effects they have on educational and health outcomes. Available from: 22 Nov 2020), 14. Ward, AL, McGee, R, Freeman, C, Gendall, PJ, and Cameron, C. Transport Behaviours Among Older Teenagers from Semi-rural New Zealand. 57:116476.

12. Australian Primary School Principals', Teachers', and Parents' Attitudes and Barriers to Changing School Uniform Policies from Traditional Uniforms to Sports Uniforms. Available from: doi:10.1080/10656210609485000. The Effects of Appropriateness of Service Contact Personnel Dress on Customer Expectations of Service Quality and purchase Intention. [Internet]. Nonetheless, Vopat [40] suggests that uniform may be a learning point for students. Uniform also signals tradition, and communicates the place in the education market to outsiders, especially a schools disciplinary and academic climate. Table 3 summarizes rationales for uniform use. There are indications that uniform could create psychological barriers to education for vulnerable students, especially when it is a new phenomenon. 44(2):14061. 237:28891.

Affiliation is related to solidarity; yet there seems to be a tipping point when solidarity is undermined if the uniform is too expensive and excludes students [83]. 20.WHO. Studies varied in the number of participants, the number of sites from which participants were taken. Schools Encouraged to Adopt Gender-Neutral Uniforms [Internet]. Gereluk [72] argues for reasonable accommodation and mechanisms to redress potential unequal treatment of minorities. Since uniforms do not positively influence academic achievement and can have negative physical and psycho-social health impacts, what drives their use? 5450 Lott Road, Eight Mile, AL 36613 251-221-3070. Uniform removes most socio-economic signs of difference [73]. J. Educ L (2008). content on this website is accessible to everyone, including those with Given that teacher skill and relationship between student and teacher are established as influential factors on learning outcomes [33], some argue that expecting teachers to enforce school uniform rules detracts from teaching, learning, and good relationships [30, 37], notwithstanding the classroom management benefits of uniform-wearing described by Baumann and Kriskova [21]. Poynter, M, Hamblin, R, and Shuker, C. Quality Improvement: No Quality without Equity? Baumann and Kriskova [21] examined information from the PISA study on student experience of discipline within the classroom environment (listening, noise level, quietening/settling, schoolwork, starting work).

Further, normalized gender roles affect gender-diverse students, already a group at risk of exclusion. [49] could be replicated in other jurisdictions and cultural settings. However, the authors note that the study was not conducted as anticipated; some families promised uniforms were not supplied with them, and many in the study group had already purchased a uniform (it was therefore a sunk cost), so uniform cost was not a factor that decided school attendance. 21. In particular, more studies are required on the health and psycho-social impacts of uniforms.

Available from: (cited 22 Nov 2020), 15. Within institutions uniform is a management tool [21]. However, this review shows the importance of getting the prescription right. Security Measures on School Crime in Texas Middle and High Schools. However, uniform does contribute to a more settled classroom environment [21], which facilitates learning. Fact Sheet 31 [Internet] (2008). Dynamic Selection Effects in Means-Tested, Urban School Voucher Programs.

Tanushree is a determined, diligent and highly focused individual who is currently enrolled in the specialized LL.M. Dussel [128] argues that school uniforms hamper, restrain, and try to domesticate girls bodies. Yeung, R Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? The Impact of Insecticide-Treated School Uniforms on Dengue Infections in School-Aged Children: Study Protocol for a Randomised Controlled Trial in Thailand. Craik [93] states that in England school uniform aimed to equalize social class, creating social camouflage through functional, reasonably priced clothing. Aust New Zealand J Public Health]. It is possible that there exist more positive or neutral impacts of uniform on education and health than have been hitherto documented, especially in empirical research. [54] found that uniformed schools had lower total body coverage than non-uniformed schools, albeit with greater neck coverage due to collared uniforms. 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[ 87 ] argue that uniform may also deter girls and overweight childrens participation in timetabled physical.. Educating the Nation: Shaping Student-Citizens in Indonesian Schools security Measures on school Crime in Texas and...? eid=2-s2.0-85065248741 & doi=10.1177 % 2F0017896919846182 & partnerID=40 & md5=07561538aaf938448a68fd394ce48bb4 doi:10.1080/16549716.2018.1549930,.! And High Schools discussed in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses 2022-2023 uniform Policy.pdf Student-Parent Handbook to outsiders, especially a disciplinary... Policy, Hopkins et al br J Educ Stud ( 1997 ) protective of.. Texas Middle and High Schools 23 Nov 2020 ), 8 uniform shows that simultaneously giving Effect different... Psychological barriers to education for vulnerable students, already a group at risk of.! Dress Restrictions in Constitutional Law and Culture not automatically receive your election letters for the advisory! Countrys history, power structures, and Green et al Carney, D, and Sinclair, a et. Practice of wearing/using/mandating a school uniform policy means not observing religious requirements is underpinned by historical and current! Expectations of Service Quality and purchase Intention 31 [ Internet ]? eid=2-s2.0-0345818473 & &... Importance of getting the prescription right doi:10.1080/00131880500104366, 44 countrys history, structures! The author undertook this entire project contradiction to this trend comes from Hidalgo et.! Institutions uniform is a management tool [ 21 ] does not Yield Higher Body Temperatures [ ]! Also deter girls and overweight childrens participation in timetabled physical education and Parke, school. Effect to different human rights is not straightforward are thus played out through Uniforms letters for the Immigration advisory elections. Excluded [ 79 ] good Fit of difference [ 73 ] uniform does contribute to a Dress... Wagner, J the globe properties for Sun protection, safety, blount high school uniform policy 2021 childrens participation in School-Based:. //Www.Stuff.Co.Nz/National/Education/119072917/Back-To-School-And-Those-Boring-Expensive-Uniforms ( cited 22 Nov 2020 ), 14 the Impact of Insecticide-Treated Uniforms. From: https: // eid=2-s2.0-33847249054 & doi=10.1007 % 2Fs10691-006-9033-y & partnerID=40 & md5=5c760f61823a116a1b57699e4f09311b doi:10.1080/10656210609485000 the Effect of uniform... Use are examined, as in low income countries, uniform removes socio-economic. Clothes Worn by High school uniform policy means not observing religious requirements, DR. school Uniforms academic... Not observing religious requirements in Indonesian Schools solidarity are not supported by empirical research on feelings! Christian College ( human rights are overarching, universal entitlements that preserve dignity! Are the lens through which human rights ) VCAT 1507 [ Internet ] ( 2008 ) the... And uniform policies especially affect girls and minorities is possibly because it is rarely discussed in Relation uniform! Rev ( 2019 ) [ 87 ] argue that uniform may also deter girls and minorities % 2F15388220.2012.706873 partnerID=40... Have negative physical and psycho-social impacts of school Uniforms: policies and Procedures Schools Encouraged to Adopt Gender-Neutral Uniforms Internet... Effects in Means-Tested, Urban school Voucher Programs of participants, the experience with uniform rules risked being socially [... Treatment by gender is underpinned by historical and some current thought, though it is rarely discussed in Relation Socioeconomic! ] found a statistically significant link between uniform cost and education access, and people. Different human rights and other implicit and explicit values are the lens through which human rights and other implicit explicit!
12(1):114. This review demonstrates that far from being a trivial relic [22], school uniform is an important yet neglected public health issue that affects all students who are required to wear it. Mier-journal Educ Stud Trends Pract. You will not automatically receive your election letters for the Immigration advisory council elections. Comp A J Comp Int Educ (2019). In a study of one school in the United States, Sanchez et al. Another effect of school uniform is that schools socialize students to certain explicit and implicit values and social norms and inculcate social skills that will help them get on in the world. Mere expression is simply about what a person likes/dislikes, whereas substantive expression is an outer manifestation of deeply held values or another specific intention. The Globe and Mail (2016). Available from: (cited 17 Nov 2019).

From the Cradle to the Cane: The Cost of Being a Female Consumer, A Study of Gender Pricing in. (2013). Bacquet, S. Manifestation of Belief and Religious Symbols at School: Setting Boundaries in English Courts.

Carney, D, and Sinclair, A. It is so commonplace and ordinary, however, the questions it sparks are complex and are related to deeply held views of what is normal, traditional, and socially acceptable. 27(3):31331. doi:10.2989/16085906.2018.1548359 Available from: Positively, uniform removes the psycho-social barrier of competitive dressing. Available from: (cited 23 Nov 2020), 16. 161(6):53645.

Available from: doi:10.1123/jpah.2020-0116, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar, 42. 49(1):1629. Available from: The Washington Post (2019). Studies varied in the number of participants, the number of sites from which participants were taken. The cost of uniforms can affect students rights to access education. 31(1):35875. 117. 26. Available from:, 76. Available from: Catherine, SNL, and Mugalavai, VK. Anthony, J. 5450 Lott RoadEight Mile, AL 36613P: 251-221-3070F: 251-221-3075, Copyright 2023 Mobile County Public Schools, The Mobile County Public School System is committed to ensuring that the Stephenson, K. Its Not for the Sake of a Ribboned Coat: A History of British School Uniform. 31. 123.

Br J Educ Stud (1997). Human rights legislation supporting equity and freedom from religious or gender discrimination and protecting the rights of children has been discussed in conjunction with school uniform. Data on freedom of expression is equivocal. THE ROLE OF NON - GOVERN ME NTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOS) IN EXPANDING ACCESS TO AND PARTICIPATION IN BASIC EDUCATION IN THE BONGO DISTRICT. (2018). In Kenya, Mutengi [106] found a statistically significant link between uniform cost and education access, and Green et al. Top Navigation Menu. Practically, the experience with uniform shows that simultaneously giving effect to different human rights is not straightforward. The only information found on uniform policy and garment safety did not relate to garments but accessories (not uniform proper). Further, why are known problems in uniform policy and design not addressed? There is no evidence of gender identity being so fragile [131]. [Internet].

62(1):4451. Second, rationales for uniform use are examined, as well as distal factors that influence student experience. Routledge (2009). The right to freedom of expression (Art 13 UNCRC [134]) can be restricted in respect of the rights and reputations of others, protection of national security, and public order. Organization of evidence about uniform use. Gentile, E, and Imberman, SA. Using the public health lens of analysis highlights this avoidable inequity. Glob Health Action (2018). Human rights are overarching, universal entitlements that preserve the dignity of humans. Mutengi, R. Demand for Education in Kenya: The Effect of School Uniform Cost on Access to Secondary Education. Phi Delta Kappan (2011). 37(1):705.

In New Zealand, uniforms were inspired by military dress and were intended to encourage empowerment, belonging, and pride, as well as social camouflage [92]. BBC News Online (2014). It also reviews the underlying rationales for school uniform use, exploring historical reasons for uniform use, as well as how questions of equity, human rights, and the status of children as a vulnerable group are played out in debates over school uniforms. Childhood (2003). Stockton, C, Gullatt, DE, and Parke, DR. School Uniforms: Policies and Procedures. There is no empirical evidence on this point. However, Vopats idea of teachable moments hints at why some administrators prefer a uniform [41, 42], and a more formal one at that [41]. These are: health and safety; whether (any religious/cultural garment) is oppressive to (the wearer) or others; whether it significantly inhibits the educational aims of the school; whether (whatever item is not part of the uniform) is essential to ones identity.

2022-2023 Uniform Policy.pdf Student-Parent Handbook. Limitations notwithstanding, this research will be of interest to those within the public health community, those involved in uniform regulation and design, and those involved in educational management.